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Articles from the September 26, 2015 edition

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  • September 26, 2015 ONLINE EDITION

    Sep 26, 2015

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  • Ham radio: A hobby or community service or both?

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Sep 26, 2015

    BASIN - When all other communication is down or unavailable, ham radio operators, also known as amateur radio operators, can provide emergency communication. However, the emergency assistance is not the main reason many operators get involved. For Basin's Jerry Pyle, it's been nearly a lifelong passion. He said he doesn't remember his exact age, but as a young boy between ages 8-10, his father took him to visit his great uncle, a ham radio operator. His great aunt and uncle lived in a trailer an...

  • Forest Service proposes lodge ATV connector trail project

    Marcus Huff, Staff Writer|Sep 26, 2015

    WORLAND — The Tongue Ranger District of the Bighorn National Forest is proposing a six-mile All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) trail to connect Bear Lodge, Elk View Inn and Arrowhead Lodge. The trail would be open to motorized vehicles 50 inches wide or less and non-motorized traffic, from June 16 through November 15. The project area is located between Bear Lodge Resort near Burgess Junction along U.S. Highway 14A, Elk View Inn located within one-half mile of Bear Lodge Resort along Highway 14, and Arrowhead Lodge located three miles east of Bear Lodge...

  • WHS celebrates homecoming next week

    Zach Spadt, Staff Writer|Sep 26, 2015

    WORLAND - Homecoming week is here for Worland High School students. During the annual event, students will have the week to enjoy wearing various forms of attire to school, including dressing up like farmers Monday. Tuesday, students wishing to participate may dress up as "tacky tourists." Wednesday, students will pay homage to their favorite fictional characters. Expect to see television and movie greats walking the halls of WHS Wednesday. On Thursday, be ready for a slew of students dressing...

  • Supermoon plus eclipse equals rare sky show Sunday night

    Sep 26, 2015

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Get ready for a rare double feature this weekend, starring our very own moon. A total lunar eclipse will share the stage with a so-called supermoon Sunday night or early Monday, depending where you are. That combination hasn’t been seen since 1982 and won’t happen again until 2033. When a full or new moon makes its closest approach to Earth, that’s a supermoon. Although still about 220,000 miles away, this full moon will look bigger and brighter than usual. In fact, it will be the closest full moon of the year, a...

  • Lady Warriors win own Pre-Invite

    Sisco Molina, Sports Editor|Sep 26, 2015

    WORLAND – The Lady Warriors started off their weekend with a small meet Friday, playing host to Douglas and Rawlins in the Lady Warrior Pre-Invite. It was treated as sort of a "fun meet" for the team according to coach Kim Wyman as the girls got to choose the events they swam in. And still Worland came away with a first place finish, winning with a team score of 148.5 while Rawlins was in second with 98 and Douglas third with 76.5 "I felt we had solid swims today. This week, we ended up u...