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Articles from the October 17, 2015 edition

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  • October 17, 2015 ONLINE EDITION

    Oct 17, 2015

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  • Haunted places around Washakie County area

    Tracie Mitchell, Staff Writer|Oct 17, 2015

    WORLAND – The coming of Halloween for many people brings to mind ghosts and scary things and places. Many places around the Washakie County area have ghosts who don't just appear around Halloween but all through the year. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, just hearing about the personal experiences in some of the area businesses will give you the chills. The Paint Rock Inn in Hyattville is one of those places that has strange occurrences year round. The ghost who is thought to reside t...

  • Area Special Olympics athletes strike 'gold' at the fall tournament

    Tracie Mitchell, Staff Writer|Oct 17, 2015

    WORLAND – The Special Olympic athletes from the Big Horn Basin did very well at the Special Olympics Fall Tournament Oct. 7 – 9 in Casper in the bowling and cycling competitions. “I think our athletes did absolutely wonderful. They showed a competitive spirit and exemplified their oath, ‘Let me win. But if I cannot win, Let me be brave in the attempt,’” Washakie County Special Olympics coordinator/ director Yvonne Bryant said. Single bowling athletes and awards: Adam Beall and Mandy Tharp each received a gold medal. Grace Nelson received a...

  • Love: The secret to life

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Oct 17, 2015

    WORLAND - Katie Coila Bower of Worland will be turning 90 years old Monday and she attributes love of family and friends to her longevity. Katie has outlived three of her seven children and eight of her 11 siblings. "That's why we're celebrating," Katie said, when interviewed at her home on Circle Road in Worland earlier this week. When asked her secret to longevity she said, "It can't be money so it's got to be love. I have a lot of love from my family and friends and the Lord keeps giving me...

  • Seasons of Needlework

    Oct 17, 2015

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Oct 17, 2015

    Domestic Violence Awareness Month occurs every October to bring a heightened awareness to the problem of domestic violence. However, there are many organizations who work on preventing domestic violence and bringing awareness including Washakie County’s Crisis and Prevention Center and nationally the National Network to End Domestic Violence. During October many events are held to promote awareness of domestic violence, including the recent Wyoming Silent Witness Ceremony held here in Worland. Silent witness. The phrase has powerful meaning. T...

  • Successful swan song

    Sisco Molina, Sports Editor|Oct 17, 2015

    WORLAND – The Lady Warriors wrapped up the regular season in dominant fashion on Friday, defeating Cody by a wide margin in their last home meet of the season. "I'm elated with their performances tonight. They really finished hard and were able to send the seniors off with a win," Worland swim coach Kim Wyman said on Friday. "It's been really enjoyable to watch (these seniors) grow as individuals and as a group. They really have been strong leaders on the team." The meet started off with a b...