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  • The News Editorial: Fair week: volunteers make it happen

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Jul 29, 2021

    The Washakie County Fair is in full swing which got me to thinking about the time and effort volunteers put into making the fair happen. Yes, there are individuals who are paid to help with the fair in so far as it is part of the overall job description including Fair office staff during the week, 4-H educator, FFA advisors, Washakie County building maintenance staff, event judges, those who contract for pig wrestling, rodeos and monster truck events. But when it comes down to it, without the many volunteers, fair week would likely not happen.... Full story

  • The News Editorial: Wow!

    Jul 22, 2021

    What a Monday in the Big Horn Basin and especially Worland. The Worland community went above and beyond Monday to welcome 1st Lt. Alva Ray Krogman home. Everyone knows the story by now, U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Alva Ray Krogman of the 504th Tactical Air Support Squadron was shot down over Ban Kok Mak, Laos on January 17, 1967. Krogman was initially listed as missing in action and about two weeks later was listed as killed in action. In July 2020, Krogman’s remains, which were located in 2019, were officially identified. On Monday he returned t... Full story

  • Come out to welcome home 1st Lt. Krogman

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Jul 15, 2021

    When Vietnam veterans returned home from active duty they were not greeted with parades or “thank-yous’ or even a “welcome home.” At the time, anti-war sentiment was taken out on those who served this great country. Next week on Monday and Wednesday we can change all that and welcome home one of Worland’s own, U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Alva Ray Krogman of the 504th Tactical Air Support Squadron. Most everyone knows the story, Krogman was shot down over Ban Kok Mak, Laos on January 17, 1967. Krogman was initially listed as missing in action an... Full story

  • The News Editorial: It's all about the why

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Jul 8, 2021

    In journalism you are taught to get the who, what, where, when, why and how. With so many avenues to get information in today’s world I began thinking about those questions and a few things recently made me realize that for today’s newspapers, the biggest question we need to answer is why? At a recent meeting of the Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission, there were several why questions broached. Why was the setback for permanent structures 20 feet? Why was the maximum height of a fence six feet? Building Official Randy Adams could ans... Full story

  • Tracy Jean Brazelton

    Jul 8, 2021

    Tracy Jean (Dworshak) Brazelton, 59-year-old Worland resident passed away at the Billings Clinic on July 5, 2021. Tracy was born on November 26, 1961 in Bozeman, Montana. Memorial services will be 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 17, 2021 at the Worland Community Center Complex.... Full story

  • Karla's Kolumn: What pets can teach us about relationships

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Jul 1, 2021

    So I had two main themes planned for this column this week and well then something funny happened last night, well funny, endearing and just cute. When we adopted Tigger and Fluffy several months ago from New Hope Humane Society in addition to them getting use to their new home we needed to introduce them to our two dogs. Our dogs were used to Chuck and Buddy (RIP) but these were two new furry kitties. Fluffy, Shadow and Ivy seemed to hit it off right away but Tigger has been more cautious about everything and well to be honest he scared... Full story

  • Staff Views: Wearing Out Wyoming: Yellowstone tourism, economy and environment

    Avery Howe, Staff Intern|Jun 24, 2021

    As the least-populated state, we are always hyperaware when suddenly the highways are busy and the hotels are full. Tourist season is generally met with a wrinkled nose or furrowed brow when mentioned here in Wyoming, despite the fact that a large chunk of our economy, $3.05 billion in in-state spending last year according to the Wyoming Office of Tourism, is contributed by out-of-staters. We see tourists as litterers, campsite hoarders, wildlife provokers and generally rude guests. I spent last summer as a Yellowstone tour guide and I can atte... Full story

  • Karla's Kolumn: Responsibilities of being a dog owner

    Jun 17, 2021

    My dogs hate this time of year. They love to go for rides and often run to the store with me on weekends. But when temperatures are already 60 degrees at breakfast I know it is too hot for them to sit in a car unless the air conditioning is going full blast. As a pet owner I have a responsibility to my pets, OK, let’s call them as they are, my fur kids, to keep them safe and healthy. Thus, I am not about to leave the vehicle running with two dogs in the car. No they should not be able to get it out of gear but stranger things have happened and... Full story

  • The News Staff Views: Taking on a new role

    Avery Howe, Staff Intern|Jun 10, 2021

    Hello, as this is the first issue of Northern Wyoming News I have ever contributed to, I would like to offer a short introduction of who I am and what I hope to bring to our readers. My family and I are from Greybull, and I spent a lot of my time as a teenager contributing to the Greybull Standard, mostly pictures and short articles about the goings-on of Greybull High School, from which I graduated in 2019, and Greybull Rec Center events. I was the yearbook geek and will be eternally grateful to my advisor for convincing me that there are... Full story

  • The News Editorial: Simple gesture means a lot

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Jun 3, 2021

    There is the saying that membership has it’s privileges and I am taking advantage of that today. While we do not allow letters of thank you I am taking the time to say thank you to the person who dropped goodies off at our office on Tuesday. The note was simple, “Just want to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication during these difficult times. Please enjoy these goodies and know your community appreciates you.” While I do not know for certain but I imagine we are not the only business receiving such a warm, thoughtful care package.... Full story

  • The News Editorial: Lest we forget

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|May 27, 2021

    You turn on the TV, scroll through social media, listen to conversations at the grocery store or over coffee and you hear and see the divisiveness that exists in our world today. On Monday, there is something that everyone should agree on, everyone should observe and celebrate no matter party affiliation, religion, race, gender or any other thing that may divide us. What is that? It is the observance of Memorial Day. Memorial Day, first established as Decoration Day following the Civil War, the holiday was set aside for families and friends to... Full story

  • The News Editorial: Kudos for a busy May and Mental Health Awareness

    Karla Pomeroy|May 20, 2021

    It’s time to hand out a few kudos. First, kudos to the “merry month of May.” I don’t know if May is necessarily merry but it is busy. That’s a good thing and this year it definitely does make May merry. Last week we covered the Washakie Prevention Coalition Drug-Free Community Walk, the Chief Washakie FFA banquet, Worland Middle School spring music finale, street vendor day, Washakie Museum STEAM Saturday, Worland High School graduation parade and WHS graduation and the Cloud Peak Counseling Mental Health Event to end the stigma of mental he... Full story

  • Karla's Kolumn: Expect the unexpected

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|May 13, 2021

    This weekend, 88 seniors from Worland and eight from Ten Sleep will graduate. This month and next students from across the country in high schools and colleges will be saying goodbye to one journey and hello to their next journey and the best advice for them I can give is to expect the unexpected. Jeremiah 29:11 says in part, “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. God, the omniscient King of Kings, can make plans because he knows the past, present and future. We fickle, no where near all-knowing, humans, know only our past and... Full story

  • The News Editorial: Legislature was right to address health order process

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|May 6, 2021

    What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time graduation ceremonies were changed dramatically, events were canceled. Today, both schools are planning regular graduations on May 16, summer events that were canceled last year are getting scheduled again. It is encouraging and exciting here in Washakie County, the Big Horn Basin and Wyoming for things to be returning back to normal. While Wyoming did not lock down everything as some states and countries did, schools were closed for a time, and there were businesses such as gyms, health... Full story

  • Karla's Kolumn: Life with Cats, Chapter 2

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Apr 29, 2021

    So I’m outside with the kids – you know all five of my fur kids – and we’re taking a walk and enjoying the weather this weekend. I see Fluffy, one of our newest cats just sitting and enjoying herself and then I see Chuck, the oldest, start walking to her. They are friends so I think nothing of it until I see him open wide and just pounce on her biting her neck like some vampire kitty. Fortunately, or not, Shadow was waiting to break up a kitty fight (I think she is disappointed when the cats don’t tussle on her walks) and she did just that... Full story

  • Karla's Kolumn: Vaccine or not, respect one another

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Apr 22, 2021

    Shot number two of the Moderna vaccine came and went with barely a whisper. What I mean by that is that the three of us at the Northern Wyoming News who received our first shot on March 17, received our booster on April 14 and none of us had any more symptoms than we did with the first shot – sore arm where the shot was injected, maybe a little fatigue (when you are like me and average five hours of sleep it’s hard to differentiate between regular tired and possibly vaccine-related tired). One of the employees also reported a few other body ach... Full story

  • Consider QPR training to save a life

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Apr 15, 2021

    We have all had that friend who we think might be a little depressed due to stressors in their life. According to SSM Health, intimate partner problems, legal issues, unemployment/financial problems and health concerns are among the most common precipitating circumstances for suicides in middle-aged men. But, during the COVID era that we entered into in 2020, these stresses can be the same for many of us. We never know what someone is going through or how they will react to the things in their life. How one person reacts to something is going t... Full story

  • Kudos to legislators, firefighters, community

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Apr 8, 2021

    The Wyoming Legislature 2021 regular session came to an end this week with some final bills being worked in conference committee. A lot of those bills you and I may never know what they do or don’t do. They won’t impact us but that does not make them any less important. Our local legislators were busy this session with individually sponsored bills and committee bills. Between Rep. Mike Greear (R-Worland) and Sen. Ed Cooper (R-Ten Sleep) 11 of 12 bills that they sponsored were supported by their fellow legislators and have either been sig... Full story

  • Karla's Kolumn: Is the News building haunted?

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Apr 1, 2021

    Do you remember on the Family Circus comic strip the “ghost” Not Me. When the parents ask the children who did something they would say “Not Me” and the ghost would be in the next panel. Well here at the Northern Wyoming News we have our own version of Not Me. Our Not Me, we just call The Ghost or T.G. T.G. has been at the News for many years from what I understand. Some days T.G. is more active than other days. Every day, and yes, I mean every day, a door opens and closes. You will look up to see who is coming in or going out. You see no one...

  • Karla's Kolumn: It was my choice to get shot

    Editor, Karla Pomeroy|Mar 25, 2021

    I got shot last Wednesday. Actually half of the staff at the Northern Wyoming News got shot – with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine during the vaccine clinic at the Worland Community Center Complex. One hundred Washakie County residents showed up at the clinic provided by Washakie County Public Health, Washakie Medical Center, Washakie County Emergency Management, Washakie County Ambulance Service and Guardian Flight. Initially I was the first to go, falling into one of the categories of the first phase – yes the 50 and older category. Two oth...

  • Karla's Kolumn: Championship memories

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Mar 18, 2021

    Congratulations to the Worland Warriors on their 3A State Boys Basketball title. It is well-deserved. Congratulations also to speech champions Kim Sumida and Chase Johnson and state champion wrestlers Luke Goncalves and Lane McBee. It is a pleasure to be able to cover the achievements of our youth this year and every year. When a team wins a state title I find myself reminiscing about state championships I have covered, specifically when I covered sports for the Lovell Chronicle and the Basin Republican Rustler. The first state championship I...

  • The News Editorial: A lesson in free speech

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Mar 11, 2021

    Last Tuesday night the Worland City Council got a small course in free speech and what is considered protected and not protected speech. In an era where people are offended by nearly everything the First Amendment is more important now than ever before. It comes under attack from all sides and all avenues – whether free speech, free press or freedom of religion. As has been written in this space time and again, there is a reason that these freedoms are listed first — first and foremost — these freedoms are key to our democracy. Part of that fre... Full story

  • The News Editorial: Things make you go Hmmm: State Legislature edition

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Mar 4, 2021

    In this edition of Things Make You Go Hmmm we look at a few bills before the Wyoming State Legislature and we’ll start with Senate File 17 which would stop the requirement of cities, towns and counties to publish minutes and salary notices in a newspaper of general circulation; and eliminate the requirement for school districts to publish warrants of over $500. The requirement for publication in a newspaper is for the public’s benefit. Cities, towns, counties and school districts are spending the public’s money and the public has a right to kno... Full story

  • The News Editorial: Be alert: Firearm licensing act introduced in U.S. House

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Feb 25, 2021

    They say ignorance is bliss or what you don’t know won’t hurt you but when it comes to legislation, whether at the state or federal level, nothing could be further from the truth. We as citizens must arm ourselves with knowledge. We cannot depend on our legislators or Congressional delegates to tell us everything they are doing. We must be steadfast in checking out bills that are filed at the state and federal level. Case in point, a House Resolution that I have not heard anything about, especially in Wyoming, is the Sabika Sheikh Firearm Lic... Full story

  • Karla's Kolumn: Learning more about cats

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Feb 11, 2021

    We adopted two cats recently from New Hope Humane Society. Earlier this year we had to say goodbye to our beloved Buddy after about five years and we needed to find another feline companion for Chuck. Well New Hope had two young cats available for adoption that were both perfect fits for us so my husband said “let’s get both.” This ranked up there in surprise remarks with the time he said yes to getting a third dog (when we adopted Shadow as a pup). But, hey, I like animals so who was I to argue. Well taking cats to the country and tryin... Full story

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