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  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Feb 4, 2017

    Threats to our schools and our students are, unfortunately, becoming all too familiar and commonplace. While Thursday’s threat at Worland High School created the most disruption it was not the first threat this year, nor even the second. The first came in a multi-state threat to government and schools in which some schools and college campuses in the Big Horn Basin locked down or shut down, while others like Worland, on the advice of law enforcement that deemed it as not a credible threat, continued school as normal. The second was a SnapChat m...

  • The main street service stations

    John Davis, Columnist|Jan 31, 2017

    Last week I talked about how a driver coming into Worland from Thermopolis during the 1950s would first cross the bridge that we now know as the old bridge. The first gas station encountered would be Scotty’s Texaco (or, perhaps, Scotty’s Sinclair), located on the south side of the street, at Second Street and Culbertson. It was owned by Scotty Macintosh and is remarkable because it’s still there! Tipped off by my elite team of geezers, I went to Goyn’s Machine & Automotive. There, Dennis Goyn showed me how the old Scotty’s station was wrapp...

  • Wyoming must fight to restore the constitution using Article V

    Nathan Winter and Ray Peterson, State legislators|Jan 31, 2017

    Several of our fellow Wyoming legislators have argued against the effort to reign in the federal government using Article V of the Constitution, claiming that it is too risky. We want to set the record straight for Wyomingites who might hear it said that this essential part of our Constitution, the ability for states to push back against Washington, could harm that most sacred founding document. Article V is the section of the Constitution that allows for amendments. One method, which has been used 27 times in our nation’s history, is for a t...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Jan 28, 2017

    Everyone’s talking about the first full week of the Trump Administration, but are you paying attention to what’s happening here in Worland and in Cheyenne. Did you know — that the Worland school board voted Monday to no longer pay for the first meal out for athletic and other extracurricular activities? When I first saw it on the agenda I was surprised that they were actually paying for that first meal. When I attended Hot Springs County High School (yes a few years back) we as students were always responsible for that first meal, wheth...

  • Geezers know a lot

    John Davis, Columnist|Jan 24, 2017

    In my short and modest career as a newspaper columnist, I’ve learned a few things. Importantly, I have learned that geezers know a whole bunch of important things. They may not know much about the Theory of Relativity or the artwork in the Sistine Chapel, but they know a whole lot about things that really count. Like how many gas stations Worland had back in the ‘50s. The profound knowledge of geezers is something I’ve suspected more and more as I proceed through my 70s, and recent experience has confirmed it. After my column about Worla...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Jan 21, 2017

    Donald J. Trump became the 45th president of the United States Friday during the 58th inauguration ceremony. Since the election, I kept hearing the phrase "peaceful transition of power" and with all the rioting and violent protests following President Trump's election my initial thoughts in hearing that phrase was making sure a smooth transition into the White House, stopping the riots and violent protests. As the inauguration celebration began Thursday night I began to truly think of those...

  • Religion Today

    Paul Flesher, Columnist|Jan 20, 2017

    Donald Trump was the resounding choice of white Christians who identified themselves as evangelical or as born again. According to exit polls from the November election taken by a consortium of ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News and the Associated Press, fully 81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Only people who identified with the Republican Party voted for Trump at a higher percentage. Why? What did he stand for that attracted them so strongly? Perhaps the Rev. James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family and Family...

  • Beyond the Obamacare rhetoric, our health system must be reformed

    Sen. Mike Enzi, Guest Columnist|Jan 18, 2017

    The debate over the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, is heated. There are millions of passionate voices on both sides that believe the wrong course of action could have catastrophic consequences. Americans should have a health care system with low costs and that provides access. That is why, as chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, I played a key role in passing a resolution that will provide for the repeal of Obamacare. As we improve the system there will be a stable transition period in which those with...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Jan 14, 2017

    You thought after the election you were through letting your voice be heard didn’t you? You were wrong. It’s time once again to let your voice be heard on what matters to you. The 2017 Wyoming Legislative Session is in full swing and there’s already more than 200 bills filed for introduction and legislators have until the end of the month to submit legislation for introduction in this 37-day scheduled session. There are some pieces of legislation that just cleans up language and will have little to no impact on any resident. There are bills...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Jan 7, 2017

    People love to talk about the weather. In Wyoming, throughout the year, you’ll hear a myriad of comments about the weather with many a conversation starting with “hot enough for you?” or “cold enough for you?” Other comments about the weather that are common to hear, especially this time of year are: —It’s too cold. —It’s not fit for man nor beast out there. —It doesn’t matter what the wind chill is, it’s just cold. —I’m ready for spring/summer. —The skiers are the only ones who like this kind of weather. —You won’t hear me complain in the s...

  • School funding top priority this session

    Jillian Balow, Columnist|Jan 6, 2017

    Funding crisis, billion dollar shortfall, district layoffs, and school finance litigation are phrases we have heard lately about education funding. Make no mistake-we face challenging times, but let us not fall to the temptation of hasty remedies and drastic measures. I am confident that we can and will find a methodical and strategic way for moving education forward in Wyoming. I have had encouraging conversations with policymakers, education professionals, and citizens about how to navigate this situation while maintaining the great progress...

  • When all you can play is Trump

    Duane Groshart, Columnist|Jan 5, 2017

    In pinochle, when you can’t follow suit, you are required to play a trump card. Come Jan. 20, it doesn’t matter whether or not you voted for Hillary Clinton – as I most certainly did – you are stuck with the Trump card. He represents the only game in town. Taking the torturous card-playing metaphor one step further, those of us who voted for Hillary (the pant suit?) – especially here in the reddest state of them all – have no choice but to fold our hands (in prayer?). As has been mostly the case through the years, Republicans rule at the coun...

  • How Worland's grocery stores have changed

    John Davis, Columnist|Jan 3, 2017

    I’ve noticed how Worland’s grocery stores have changed during my lifetime, but only recently have I looked more closely at this change and realized how extensive it has been. Today, the great majority of the grocery needs of our town are met by two large stores, IGA and Blair’s, although there are three or four convenience stores. But during the 1950s, there were grocery stores of all sizes all over the town. The only large grocery store I remember from the 1950s was the Safeway store, which was located in the building now occupied by Ace H...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Dec 31, 2016

    Boy a lot of folks across the country are mad at 2016. The year has taken away a lot of movie and singing icons of my generation. For Hillary Clinton supporters they are still having difficulty with President Donald Trump Administration coming Jan. 20, 2017. The year also brought a five-year high in law enforcement deaths, a lot of those from ambushes across the country. It has been a tumultuous and eventful year to say the least. Here in Washakie County, we’ve had some ups and downs as well. We’ve lost some great people in our communities tha...

  • A look at the Electoral College

    John Davis, Columnist|Dec 27, 2016

    I don’t usually write about controversial subjects in this column, but there’s one subject that’s arisen lately that I want to talk about. I’m referring to the Electoral College and the push by some folks to abolish it. I’ve also read columns declaring the unfairness of having a Senate, a legislative house in which each state gets two senators. I can understand why those in states with large populations would object to these arrangements, but it’s incomprehensible to me why anyone from Wyoming would take that position. The United States Congres...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Dec 24, 2016

    Dear Santa, I bet you like coming to Wyoming since it’s like coming home with the snow and cold and by the sounds of it you’ll be driving in some snow coming here so stay safe and warm. I’d like to say I’ve been good this year, but let’s be honest, I’m human and well sometimes it’s too tempting to play tricks on co-workers, and I may have gotten impatient a time or two with the dogs and cats. So really, for the most part I’ve been good so I have a few things on my list. I know last year you brought me a Super Bowl championship for the Denver...

  • Weekly Devotional

    Deacon Mike Martinson, St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church|Dec 24, 2016

    “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.” Luke 2:10-11 “All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel’, which means ‘God is with us.’” Matthew 1:22-23 Sometimes in the midst of all the Christmas plays, programs and parties, we forget what it is that we actually celebrate on th...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Dec 17, 2016

    Every day at the Northern Wyoming Daily News there are decisions to be made including what stories are going on the front page, what photos are going on the front page and which of those on the front page go “above the fold” for people to see at newsstands. Sometimes those decisions are easy depending on the stories and photos available. Sometimes it’s not as easy if stories or photos are scarce. It can also be difficult if the story and photo I am dealing with is a sensitive subject or tragedy. Such was the case last week. Last Wedne...

  • More notables in the cemetery

    John Davis, Columnist|Dec 13, 2016

    As a boy, I always wondered about the source of the street names in my town, and about the men after whom they were named. My recent investigation into the Worland cemetery has provided me with interesting new information. One of the longer streets in Worland is Howell Avenue. This street, running mostly parallel to Big Horn Avenue for some 20 blocks, was named for J. Ashby Howell, who died and was buried in our cemetery in 1940. Howell was a popular fellow in Worland, with a wide range of friends (including Sadie and Charlie Worland). He...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Dec 10, 2016

    There are times when I’m thinking of what to write in this space that an idea or topic is clear and then there are days like today (Friday) that I have multiple thoughts running through my mind and I can’t seem to focus on just one. That’s a lot how women are, we can multi-task at getting things done, but some of us also multi-task in our minds. That’s why one of my reporters, Tracie, and I can be talking about something first thing in the morning and I can bring it up out of the blue later on and she understands exactly what I’m referring to....

  • Notables buried in the Worland cemetery

    John Davis, Columnist|Dec 6, 2016

    I took a drive into the Worland cemetery last week, entering by the middle gate. My purpose was to find the graves of some of the prominent people in early day Worland. Close to the top of my list was the grave of C. F. (Charles Fremont) Robertson, the first mayor of Worland, and the man after whom one of our prominent streets was named. That wasn’t a hard task: as you drive into the cemetery at the middle gate, the grave of Mr. Robertson immediately confronts you. The gravestone says that Robertson was born on June 23, 1862 (during the C...

  • Healthy Living

    Tiffany Wilkerson, Columnist|Dec 6, 2016

    Stressed? Over worked? Frustrated? Anxious? Take it to the street. A brisk walk or a light jog has been scientifically proven to reduce stress in a number of ways. Taking it to the street helps reduce stress by taking us away from the initial stressor, engages the ‘calm response’ from our nervous system and exercising reduces stress and increases growth of new neurons in the brain. Reduce stress by getting away from it. By removing yourself from the stressor and taking a brisk walk around the block or out to your car and back will help clear yo...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Dec 3, 2016

    First it was Black Friday, then Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday. If you missed Giving Tuesday there’s still time and plenty of places to give. The end of the year and Christmas time is when you see a lot of giving, whether it’s from the feeling of love and charity or wanting that tax deduction before the year’s end. Many national organizations are calling and sending out their flyers to get people to give this time of year. I would encourage our readers that if you want to give, give at home first. Just like I encouraged you to shop local...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Nov 26, 2016

    Today is Small Business Saturday. If you haven’t already finished your Christmas shopping, or even if you have, go downtown and check out what your local businesses have to offer. You might be surprised at what the stores in Worland offer. Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small, local businesses across the country. Founded by American Express in 2010, this day is celebrated each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. According to the Wyoming Business Council, the best way to support your community this week is to s...

  • Karla's Kolumn

    Karla Pomeroy, Editor|Nov 19, 2016

    In five days we’ll be gathered around the dining table and eating turkey or ham or whatever your favorite meal is for Thanksgiving. I wonder, with the mood of our country is in, how many people will stop and count their blessings. Even if things are tough or not perfect in your life I believe everyone can find at least one thing to be thankful for. I am thankful for a lot of things. I am thankful I am married to a wonderful man who looks upon our marriage as a partnership and helps with the household chores and who is a wonderful cook who will...

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