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Washakie County Solid Waste Disposal District Board members address need for increase
WORLAND – The Washakie County Solid Waste Disposal District (landfill) held a public hearing at the Worland Community Center Complex Monday Jan. 18 at 6 p.m. to answer questions and comments about the future rate increase. It was followed by the carrying of the motion to pass the $60 per ton fee.
Travis Filler, solid waste district board chairman, started the meeting and said the $60 rate per ton is lowest rate that they can charge and be able to maintain and sustain the landfill. Filler said the landfill, City of Worland officials and Washakie County commissioners worked on that rate together.
Worland Mayor Dave Duffy was in attendance and asked why the city is being charged a 3 percent late fee when they haven’t received the bills for the months of November and December. Duffy’s question was not answered at the hearing with Filler stating he wanted the hearing to stay on task about the rate increase.
Public attendance was low with about seven residents present. The few who attended commented on the transparency of the landfill and mentioned having a member of from city council on the board would help with communication. Landfill board members are appointed by the commissioners, and not elected.
Filler said anyone is welcome come to the landfill to know more of what is going on and board meeting are open to the public.
An interested member of the public asked why the rates were increasing.
Filler said the pit capacity was reached, and the landfill needed a new pit. Filler said that pit has already been dug, but now they are going after a performance-based pit with a 25-year permit that has an engineering fee of about $300,000.
The public hearing adjourned, and was immediately followed by the landfill board meeting.
At the meeting, a motion was carried to keep the $30 per ton fee for the months of Sept. 1 – March 31 for commercial municipal haulers. The board also carried the 3 percent late fee for the months. The same motion made at last week’s regular meeting.
The landfill began charging a tipping fee Sept. 1, 2015. The City of Worland increased its solid waste rate to residents from $15 to $25 based on a $30 per ton fee. The city had been charged $92 per ton in October, which led to a working group being formed with the city, landfill board and the commissioners to reach a compromise — the $30 rate from Sept. 1 to March 31.
According to the motion, starting April 1, the landfill will charge the city and commercial municipal handlers a $60 per ton fee.
Filler said the rate will be renewed at budget time, and the meeting was adjourned.