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When will we realize that all lives matter
“All I know is that this must stop, this divisiveness between our police and our citizens.”
Those words were spoken Friday morning by Dallas Police Chief David Brown after five Dallas law enforcement officers were gunned down in a sniper ambush Thursday night. Seven others were wounded.
While I wholeheartedly agree with Chief Brown, I’m not sure anyone knows how to end the divisiveness, unfortunately.
But it is more than divisiveness between officers and citizens. There is divisiveness everywhere you turn.
Last week I wrote about free speech and how angry people become if people don’t share the same opinion.
This year’s presidential campaign has divided this country even further. It has escalated emotions for those for and against the two presumptive nominees.
While we need to work on racial tensions in our country, we need to work on the divisiveness overall in our country. We need to find a way to become united. We need to find a cause or a reason for us to all come together.
The 9/11 terror attacks didn’t unite us, nor has other recent terror attacks. Tragedy does not seem to unite us, rather it appears that it further divides us.
It can’t be a tragedy or one specific event that changes us as a country. It has to start with each one of us, changing our mindset, changing how we treat others, how we interact with others, how we respect others.
We hear “Black lives matter” and “Blue lives matter” and they are right but the fact is all lives matter. We need to start respecting one another, not fearing one another or being angry with one another
We, as the “United” States of America have to come together and unite around that fact that all lives really do matter.
We have to come to the realization that your opinion matters, that my opinion matters; that no one is better than another because of what they do or how much money they have, and no one is beneath us or lesser than us because of what work they do or how little money they have.
Until we start looking at each other all as equals I fear the divisiveness will continue, and with it the anger and violence will continue.
It’s a sad week for our country as three shootings — Louisiana, Minnesota and Dallas — shows how little we care about our fellow man.