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Hear Me Out...Bro, that's not locker room talk

Originally my column this week was going to be about the postseason and all the entertainment it brings. But after Donald Trump’s pathetic defense of comments he made during a 2005 taping of Access Hollywood, I have a few thoughts.

Instead of taking accountability for his words, Trump brushes them off as basically Bro culture and chalked it up to locker room talk.

This excuse is complete garbage, even coming from a human disaster like Trump.

Trump’s idea of locker room talk is either, another part of his distorted reality, or comes from the actual experience from when he and his Mr. Burns-like comrades hit the bathhouse. Both possibilities are in-play and are equally terrifying.

Locker room talk doesn’t involve crimes one has committed. Do you think Aaron Hernandez strutted into the Patriots locker room bragging about snuffing out a snitch? Then after telling his tale received a high five from Rob Gronkowski as others were laughing out loud, while Tom Brady said “Boys be boys!” Hell no, because had he bragged about committing a crime you can bet the farm his own teammates would have been witnesses against him.

It is true there are dumb, juvenile things that are said and happen in locker rooms. However, for someone to brag about committing sexual assault would result in that said person being physically attacked then shunned from the group.

Now, I know some are saying Trump’s “grab them by the pussy” comments are being used by liberals as a distraction tactic.

Again, wrong.

This is only a distraction if you believe sexual assault is not a big deal, also it has nothing to do with pushing a leftist agenda. It has everything to do with being a decent human being. Trump’s actions are unacceptable regardless of what side of the aisle you are on. Even with an inflated view of one’s self a good person does not think or acts like this. We all knew Trump was a horrible person before this and now we have (more) concrete evidence this walking Creamsicle is a plague on humanity.

Trump’s words and actions have no place in the locker rooms or our society. There is no way a parent or coach would tolerate a kid so boastfully speaking about sexual assault. Unlike our politicians, parents and coaches have backbones which allows for them to set human decency standards and subsequent punishment for when the child goes below those standards.

We’ve set the bar to a Marianas Trench depth for Trump and if the spineless GOP, i.e. Reince Priebus, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, won’t hold him accountable, it’s on us to turn to Putin’s Puppet and his goons, and tell them “No bro, it’s time you hit the bricks, and what the hell is wrong with you?”