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Lady Warriors drop final regular season match to Lady Outlaws 3-1

RAWLINS - In the final regular season match the Worland Lady Warriors traveled to Rawlins in a showdown with the Lady Outlaws. Worland fell 3-1 but each game won by Rawlins was decided by two points.

"We just played a step behind," said WHS volleyball coach Brittany Miller. "We didn't take care of details that we need to take care of and didn't have the effort there to put away sets against Rawlins."

The Lady Outlaws led for most of game one but a small spurt by the Lady Warriors allowed them to take a 25-24 lead. However, Rawlins would not falter as they would score the games next three points to win 27-25 and take a one game lead.

Game two Worland held a small lead over Rawlins but was not able to gain a comfortable lead. In the games closing points the Lady Outlaws used another small spurt to steal the lead from the Lady Warriors then take the game 25-23, gaining a 2-0 advantage.

With their backs against the walls the defending 3A champions used a late run in game three to knock out Rawlins 25-17 and force a game four.

Game four Worland jumped out to a 5-1 lead and led most of the match. With a consistent five- to four-point lead and the Lady Outlaws on the ropes each time the Lady Warriors attempted to take command of the game. Rawlins responded and cut into Worland's lead. The Lady Warriors held a 23-20 lead but the Lady Outlaws scored the game's next five points to win it 25-23 and down Worland 3-1.

"We need to be better or we're not going to make it to state. On Monday we'll have the best practice plan before them and they can own it and in doing so reach all of our goals. Or we can stay where we are at and miss our goals. But stepping out of the locker room Monday I know this team will be ready to work hard," said coach Miller.

The loss by Worland puts the No. 1 seed for the 3A East Regional Tournament in jeopardy. If Buffalo defeats Rawlins today, that gives the No. 1 seed to the Lady Bison and the Lady Warriors the No. 2 seed. If Rawlins downs Buffalo, that would create a three-way tie between Worland, Rawlins and Buffalo and tiebreakers would decide the seeding.

Coach Miller also commented on her junior varsity squad and how well they played this season. "Our JV finished their season (yesterday) and were 8-2 in conference," said coach Miller. "I was really proud of this group for how well they played this season and tonight in Rawlins they battled back to win the match in the third set."

Stay posted to the Daily News for the Lady Warriors seeding and 3A East Regional Tournament preview in Wednesday's edition.

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