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Dear Santa, I wish ...
Dear Santa,
I bet you like coming to Wyoming since it’s like coming home with the snow and cold and by the sounds of it you’ll be driving in some snow coming here so stay safe and warm.
I’d like to say I’ve been good this year, but let’s be honest, I’m human and well sometimes it’s too tempting to play tricks on co-workers, and I may have gotten impatient a time or two with the dogs and cats.
So really, for the most part I’ve been good so I have a few things on my list.
I know last year you brought me a Super Bowl championship for the Denver Broncos and while it will take a Christmas miracle for them to even make the playoffs, I figure if the Cubs could win the World Series then you could sprinkle some Christmas magic during your flight because back-to-back championships for the Broncos would be great.
And speaking of the World Series, just thought I’d mention it’d be nice to see the Colorado Rockies make the playoffs this year.
I have a few more serious requests as well.
I wish for pharmaceutical companies to begin caring more about people and helping sick people than they do the bottom line. I wish that since we can send a man to the moon (nearly 50 years ago), we should be able to find better treatment for cancer than radiation and chemotherapy.
I wish that a cure for cancer and for many other life debilitating diseases could be found and that once the cure is found pharmaceutical companies couldn’t charge for it but that it would be given away.
And I wish for peace and good will. The country and the world is more divided than ever and I would like for people to see each other as equal no matter their race, gender or religion, but that we would see each other as people and have love and respect for one another.
I would like people to understand that in the United States we have freedom of speech and that means it’s OK for people to have different opinions, that it’s OK to agree to disagree. I can respect others’ opinions even if I don’t agree with it and I ask that they respect mine.
And in the joyous Christmas season, my wish is for people to believe in freedom of religion. That it’s OK for me to believe in Christmas and say Merry Christmas. And to believe Christmas verse from Luke 2:11-14 (KJV) “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’”
But if all those things are too much, a nice sweater, mystery/crime drama book or the full series of Mike and Molly on DVD (I miss that show) would be great.
Safe journeys and merry Christmas.