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Ag committee sets interim meeting in May

CHEYENNE — Senator Larry Hicks and Representative Robert McKim, co-chairmen of the Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee, have announced the Committee will meet May 8-9 in Hulett.

The meeting on Monday, May 8, is set to begin at 8 a.m. at the Best Western Devils Tower Inn.

The purpose of the meeting is to begin the Committee’s interim work, as assigned by the Legislature’s Management Council.

According to the Legislative Service Office summary of interim topics, the Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee priorities are (in order of priority):

Priority #: 1 Stranded State Lands Inventory and Valuation Matrix

The committee will work with the Office of State Lands and Investments to review the current inventory of the surface and subsurface appurtenances of stranded or isolated state land parcels within federal lands and to begin to develop a method or matrix for valuing resource potential of these sections for possible future federal land exchange or disposal.

Priority #: 2 Fire Suppression Account Review and Evaluation

The committee will review the use and operation of the Fire Suppression Account, including but not limited to: county participation; fee structure, payment and use of the funds; by whom and when the funds may be called; and the effectiveness of funds used for non-fire activities (e.g. bark beetle mitigation).

Priority #: 3 Review of the Prior Appropriation Statutory System of Water Allocation

The committee will review the current principles of Wyoming and western water law and determine whether statutory changes are necessary to ensure that the prior appropriation doctrine remains the appropriate system of water allocation and enforcement in Wyoming.

Priority #: 4 State-led Collaborative for Federal Lands Management Process and Programs

The committee will review other model collaborative structures (e.g. other western states and the Wyoming County Commissioners Association) to determine which may be most applicable to the state to develop for potential state-led federal land management processes and programs.

Priority #: 5 Reports and Updates from Agencies

The committee will receive updates from agencies regarding federal and other actions that may impact agency administration, citizens and producers in the state.

Priority #: 6 State Fair

The committee will study the operations of the Wyoming State Fair and develop potential legislative

options for the Fair to become self-sufficient.

In addition, the Committee will receive agency updates from the Office of State Lands and Investments, the Wyoming Water Development Office, the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Livestock Board, the Department of Agriculture, the State Forestry Division and the Wyoming congressional delegation.

Updated agendas will be posted to the legislative Web site at

Please direct questions about this meeting to Legislative Service Office Committee staff Tamara Rivale at: 307-777-7881.

Members of the Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands, and Water Resources Interim Committee are Senators Larry Hicks, Paul Barnard, Fred Emerich, Curt Meier, Glenn Moniz and Representatives: Robert McKim, Stan Blake, Aaron Clausen, Chuck Gray, Bill Haley, Bill Henderson, Hans Hunt, Dan Laursen and Cheri Steinmetz.