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Worland City budget hearing tonight

WORLAND — The Worland City Council will hold its annual budget hearing for the 2017-2018 fiscal year during the regular council meeting tonight.

The hearing, which is an opportunity for the public to comment or ask questions, will be followed under conduct of business by approval of the budget resolution.

According to the budget resolution, the council has a budget of $5.8 million in general fund requirements with the largest requirement streets at $2,314,654. There is cash, payroll and computer reserve funds in the amount of $518,425.

Water requirements are budgeted at $2.1 million, sewer at $1.7 million and sanitation at $1.1 million.

The city has budgeted $539,765 for capital projects and $350,000 for a loan and $74,000 for agency funds.

The proposed budget for 2017-2018, which has passed two readings with the third and final reading tonight, includes raises through the compensation program the city instituted three years ago. Raises under the program range from 1 percent to 3 percent.

The city, which pays 100 percent of health insurance premiums saw a 3.24 percent increase. The city is with the Wyoming Association of Municipalities Joint Powers Insurance Company. She said the increase will mean an increase to the budget of $29,358. The city currently pays $934,345 in health insurance premiums.

Also on Tuesday’s regular meeting are appointments for golf course liaison and shop committee, and an ordinance updating the franchise agreement with Wyoming Gas.

The water ordinance discussed and tabled on the June 6 meeting is not on the agenda released on the city’s website Monday.

The next regular council meeting after tonight’s meeting will be July 5.

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