Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years
WORLAND — The Worland Municipal Airport Master Plan will be presented to the Worland City Council Wednesday night at the regular meeting for approval.
GDA aviation planner Trent Holder said, “Essentially the project is over. There will be a presentation of the final document [Wednesday], and then the city will sign and accept the master plan and drawings.”
He said the plan will then be sent to the Federal Aviation Administration for acceptance.
During the presentation, for which Holder said he’s allotted 15 minutes, he will answer any questions the council members may have on the plan.
“We are showing projects for the next 20 years. We documented loss of commercial service pretty thoroughly,” Holder said.
The entire process, which included several public meetings took about 18 months, he said.
Every plan, typically, is updated every five to 10 years, depending on how busy the airport is, Holder said. The master plan looks 20 years ahead but he said it is not prudent to wait 20 years before updating the plan again because things change.
The previous master plan on record was completed in 1999. According to the plan, Worland Municipal Airport is a community general aviation airport located south of Worland, Wyoming. The airport has three runways, one paved (Runway 16/34) and two turf (Runway 10/28 and Runway 4/22). Primary Runway 16/34 is 7,000 feet long and 100 feet wide and accompanied by a full parallel taxiway. The airport is located on flat ground surrounded by a mixture of different land uses (farm ground, golf course, Bureau of Land Management, and residential).
“The airport is a big asset for the city. They do a good job of keeping it maintained,” Holder said.
After the city council approves the plan, hard copies will be given to the city with one at the city hall.
Also scheduled for Wednesday’s meeting is second reading of the ordinance updating the franchise agreement with Wyoming Gas. The agreement is 10 years.
The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at city hall and is open to the public.