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TEN SLEEP – "It's been hectic and we've had to reshuffle some things, but we are getting close," said Library director Karen Funk, as workers were busy preparing to build a back wall at the Ten Sleep Library on Thursday.
TEN SLEEP – "It's been hectic and we've had to reshuffle some things, but we are getting close," said Library director Karen Funk, as workers were busy preparing to build a back wall at the Ten Sleep Library on Thursday.
While the library prepares to welcome a new addition and effectively separate the meeting area from the general library, Funk and library staff have been moving books and making room for new shelving.
"We have moved the entire north wall [of books] to three storage units until the new area opens, and we purchased shelving form another library, so we should be able to be ADA [Americans With Disabilities Act] compliant when we are all finished," said Funk.
Funk also indicated that the check-out counter will be moved to incorporate a separate office area, and open up a vital corner of the library. To the west will be the new, larger library area, separated by a southern wall, with windows, from the new community meeting area.
The 20-by-80 addition is scheduled to be completed within weeks.
On Oct. 17, 2017, the county commission voted to award the project contract to Fox General Construction, even though the bid was $38,000 over the initial, forecasted budget.
With a total project cost of $185,558, the expansion is being financed by a Wyoming Business Council community block grant in the amount of $136,117, an in-kind loan of $14,520 and cash in the amount of $21,929 from the county and a land donation equal to $12,992 from Washakie County School District No. 2 in Ten Sleep.
The addition, on the north end of the current library, will follow the design and roofline of the current building, adding space for community meetings and events, as well as a place away from the main library for after-school learning.
After reaching a financial crisis in 2016, Washakie County Commissioners stepped in and with help from a grant from Youth Alternatives, were able to transfer the after-school program to the library, under a new director. The program is now called "After the Bell," and hosts students from 3:15 until 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday for homework assistance, crafts and games.
The service, which is free to Ten Sleep parents, has provided after school care, activities, and healthy snacks to kindergarten through fifth-graders since 2003. Previously, the Ten Sleep Learning Center rented the old Ten Sleep Fire Hall from Ten Sleep Development for $500 per month, and utilities were paid by the school from the after-school fund.