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Family Fitness Festival & Expo focuses on health for the whole family

WORLAND — The 2018 Family Fitness Festival and Expo will be this Saturday at the Worland Community Center Complex.

WORLAND — The 2018 Family Fitness Festival and Expo will be this Saturday at the Worland Community Center Complex.

Organizer Sheryl Ley of the Worland Community Center Complex said the annual Women’s Expo has morphed into this year’s Family Fitness Festival. She said Cheri Bundren came to her about wanting do a fitness expo and the two agreed to combine efforts into one event. She said the festival is also an Expo because she wanted to provide the opportunity for vendors to come as they had with the Women’s Expo.

“We will be focusing no only on women’s health, but overall family fitness and health,” Ley said.

Bundren said, “The purpose is to inform family members from infants to seniors about all the ways they can be fit — in mind, body and soul.”

There is no admission into Saturday’s event, which runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., but donations will be accepted for Jack’s Box, located outside the Extension office, or the food pantry.

Fitness and family are the theme throughout the event. Ley said Chopper Crossfit and Randall Homan will be doing crossfit training demonstrations during the day. Children’s Resource Center will be doing vision and hearing screenings.

Crisis and Prevention Center will have information available as will Gottsche, Bee Healthy, Washakie Medical Center, Washakie County Homemakers and the Washakie Hospital Foundation.

Guardian Flight will be landing their helicopter in the parking lot where the public can come and check out the air medivac and talk to Guardian personnel.


Ley said one interactive vendor/informational booth that will be available is Voxxlife, a Canadian product of socks and insoles sold

locally by Frank and Tori Dietz.

“It’s called a human performance technology and it works with reflexology on the bottom of your foot,” Dietz said. “It works through your brainstem and causes homeostasis. It gives balance and stability immediately as soon as it is on your foot.”

The Dietzes were introduced to Voxxlife through a friend who thought Frank might like to try it after having extensive heel surgeries. Tori Dietz said the pain in Frank’s knee and back were gone when he wore the Voxxlife products.

“It was pretty exciting and encouraging,” she said. They then decided to begin selling the product. “It provided us the ability to help people and make a second income.”

Along with having product available, the Dietzes will have a test mat to test people’s balance and stability.

“We will have our test mat. We show range of motion difference and balance and stability where they actually stand on the insole,” Dietz said.


In addition to the informational and interactive booths, there will also be some commercial vendors including Scentsy, LipSense, soaps, jewelry, homemade goods and more.

There is also booth space still available but deadline is 5 p.m. today There are profit and non-profit rates available by calling Ley at 347-8616.

With an expansion of the theme from women to family, Ley said she also made some other changes. There will be no fashion show this year and no Community Angel luncheon.