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On today's B2 page readers will find the one-cent sales tax survey. I hope you take the time to fill out the survey. Ten entities are counting on you.
On today's B2 page readers will find the one-cent sales tax survey. I hope you take the time to fill out the survey. Ten entities are counting on you.
The one-cent general purpose tax has been continued for years and comes before the voters every four years. This is my first time going through the process in Washakie County and I am impressed.
First, I am impressed and appreciative of the leaders of Washakie County, Town of Ten Sleep and the City of Worland for making sure that the tax comes before the voters every four years. By state statute, if two-thirds of the entities agree, they could pass a resolution to continue the tax without voter approval. Several counties have done that, including Big Horn County.
I was living in Big Horn County when they opted for that resolution. They did not get all incorporated municipalities to agree, in fact, if memory serves me correctly, it was seven of nine, enough to meet the statutory requirements. Thus Big Horn County remains at 5 percent sales tax and that "fifth-cent" is never brought before the voters.
I realize Big Horn County, with nine incorporated municipalities, is a different sort of animal than Washakie County, but I like the process and the way Washakie County distributes the money. I believe if they wanted, since it is a general purpose tax, the funds could be distributed just like the other 4 percent, to the county, Ten Sleep and Worland, without other organizations having a chance at the revenue.
Washakie County leaders feel it is important to give every entity and organization a shot at the revenue.
Washakie County itself took no money during the past four years and again has opted out. We know money is tight for the county and I'm sure they could use the additional revenue, so kudos to them for bowing out and giving others a chance to be helped by the tax.
Currently there are six entities receiving the general purpose sales tax funding - the City of Worland, Town of Ten Sleep, Ten Sleep and Worland senior citizen centers, Worland Community Center and Crisis Prevention and Response Center. Four additional entities are seeking a share of the revenue this time - The Worland Fire Department, Washakie County Youth Alternatives, Worland Youth Learning Center and Washakie Development Association.
Another great thing about the process here in Washakie County is that despite the tax being a general purpose tax, the entities specify what the funding will be used for so the residents, and eventually the voters in November, know exactly what they are voting on and where their money will be going.
All 10 have worthwhile projects and provide great services to the residents in the county.
The survey is important because it will let the sales tax committee know which of the entities the residents value the highest and which appear to be the lowest priority for county residents.
The committee will then determine if all 10 will receive funding, if the number of entities will be narrowed down (as it was four years ago) and then they will also determine how much each entity will receive from the tax.
The public has two opportunities to have their voice heard on continuing the general purpose tax, first is this survey, due by March 29, and the second will be in November at the general election, when you have the final say of whether the tax continues or not.
Whether the tax should continue or not is a topic for another time. The time now is for all residents of Washakie County to fill out the survey and have your voice heard on what your priorities are for Washakie County.
You can fill out the survey on B2 and drop it off here at the Northern Wyoming Daily News, drop it off at the county clerk's office or Ten Sleep town hall or Worland city hall.
If you prefer to fill out the survey online, you may do that at .
You may also pick up hard copies at either Ten Sleep town hall or Worland city hall, or either senior center in Ten Sleep and Worland.
Deadline again is March 29.
This year the committee opted to ask for names on the survey, not to disclose what anyone's views are, but to ensure a fair process with accurate results.
The survey online and in today's issue includes information from each entity on how the money will be used. Take the time to read the information. The Northern Wyoming Daily News also published throughout this week, profiles on each entity for additional information.
Before you rank the entities, please take the time to read the information and make an informed decision on your priorities.
Take a moment to let your voice be heard on the future of Washakie County and fill out the sales tax survey.