Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

2nd annual March for Meals Saturday

WORLAND - The Worland Senior Citizens Center is sponsoring the second annual March for Meals event Saturday from 10 a.m. – noon on the bike path located at the junction of 15th Street and Washakie Avenue.

WORLAND - The Worland Senior Citizens Center is sponsoring the second annual March for Meals event Saturday from 10 a.m. – noon on the bike path located at the junction of 15th Street and Washakie Avenue. The event will help sustain the senior lunch and home delivered meals programs provided by the Worland Senior Citizens Center.

This year, participants are asked to meet at the beginning of the bike path at 10 a.m. and there will be no registration fee or registration required. T-shirts will be sold and donations appreciated.

“The proceeds will go to the meals programs, not to change the programs but to help sustain them and help pay for meals for lower income people,” Worland Senior Citizens Center Executive Director Wendy Fredricks said in an earlier interview. “We have voluntary contributions for each meal but some of our clientele can’t afford that and even when they do pay that we still serve every meal at a loss,” she added.

According to Fredricks the march will consist of the entire bike path but participants can walk less if they want. Along the bike path there will be a couple porta-potties and refreshments will be available after the march. “If the weather is bad we will go to the Worland Community Center Complex, but hopefully everything will be good for the walking path,” Fredricks said.

Above all Fredricks hopes that the event will be a fun event to raise a little money and educate the youth and people who normally don’t visit the center about the services offered by the center.