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Mayor set to proclaim April 27 Arbor Day

WORLAND — A proclamation for Arbor Day highlights mayor action items for tonight’s Worland City Council meeting.

WORLAND — A proclamation for Arbor Day highlights mayor action items for tonight’s Worland City Council meeting.

According to the proclamation, to be signed by Mayor Jim Gill tonight, “in 1872, Sterling Morton proposed to the National Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees.” The first observed Arbor Day in Nebraska there were more than a million trees planed. The day is now celebrated nationwide.

According to the proclamation trees can reduce the erosion of topsoil, lower heating and cooling costs, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife. Trees are also a renewable resource providing paper, wood for homes, fuel for fires and countless other wood products.

Worland has been recognized as one of 41 municipalities in Wyoming as a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation. Worland has been a Tree City for 32 years.

The proclamation proclaims Friday, April 27, as Arbor Day in Worland. April 27 is the national Arbor Day observance.

Worland falls under hardiness zones 4 and 5, according to the Arbor Day Foundation website. Suggested trees for those zones include a variety of apple, birth, juniper, arborvitae, fir, spruce and dogwood trees, among many others.


According to the Arbor Day Foundation website, “Founded in 1972, the centennial of the first Arbor Day observance in the 19th century, the Foundation has grown to become the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to planting trees, with over 1 million members, supporters, and valued partners.”

They have several programs including Tree City USA, replanting forests and community tree recovery.
