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Karla's Kolumn: More things I know but don't understand

Everything needs a sequel nowadays and my column from a few weeks ago on Things I Know but Don’t Understand is no exception so here goes.

•I know my dog fell in my window well but I don’t understand after three years why now. And I don’t understand since she’s the one who loves to bark at everything … and nothing … why she remained silent even when I was calling for her. She was fine by the way. I told her sister, who was outside with her at the time, that Lassie would have told me where she was so I didn’t have to go outside hollering for her in the dark.

•I know farmers water the highways at time with their pivot systems, but I don’t understand why. I’ve never seen the road grow from being watered.

•I know all vehicles come with right and left turn signals but I don’t understand why people do not use them, or when they do they do the opposite of what the signal says.

•I know some of the national campaigns are turning ugly but I don’t understand why. I don’t understand why candidates don’t just tell me what they will do and why they are qualified rather than attack their opponent. Perhaps they do not have enough faith in the voters. Which leads me to the next thing I know.

•I know the Russian collusion investigation is the investigation that has no end (OK I don’t know this, but I believe it’s like the “Song that never ends, it goes on and on my friend …”), but I don’t understand why we’ve never seen any of the supposed Russian ads on Facebook. And if as a voter that’s where you are getting your information, due us all a favor and don’t vote.

•I know there are questions about Taylor Haynes’ residency but I don’t understand why since he owned the property in 2013, it wasn’t an issue when he ran for governor in 2014. Perhaps we need to better define what it means to be a resident. We have a U.S. Senate candidate running from California. We elected a Virginian to the U.S. House and it was ruled that it was OK for a Gillette attorney in Campbell County to run for county attorney in Weston County.

•And, on a lighthearted note, I know my one cat, Chuck, chases water through the hose when I first turn it but I do not understand why … he never catches the water and runs when it comes out of the sprinkler.