Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

Thermopolis attorney appointed district court judge

WORLAND — Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead has appointed Bobbi Dean Overfield to be District Court judge for the Fifth Judicial District, serving Big Horn, Hot Springs and Washakie counties.

Overfield fills the vacancy that is occurring with the retirement of Judge Robert E. Skar, effective Oct. 2.

Born and raised in Riverton, Overfield is a partner with Michael Messenger in Thermopolis.

She received a law degree, as well as a bachelor’s degree in rangeland ecology and watershed management, from the University of Wyoming.

She is a graduate of the UW College of Law. She started practicing law in 2002 in Laramie with Corthell and King and moved to Thermopolis in 2005.

She has previously served as a prosecutor, public defender and circuit court magistrate.

Overfield said in an earlier interview, “The chance to apply for a district court judge position in your home district is rare. The opportunity to further my legal career and remain in the Big Horn Basin were important factors in my decision to seek the position.”

Reacting to her appointment, Overfield said, “I am very grateful for the honor Governor Mead has given me to serve as the next district court judge for the Fifth Judicial District. I am looking forward to taking on the challenges of the bench and continuing the legacy left by Judge Skar. I will do my best to serve the people of the Big Horn Basin and promote and preserve the justice system and the rule of law.”

Overfield has been certified as a mediator through the State of Wyoming Ag and Natural Resources Program. She has served as a mediator and guardian ad litem in numerous family law situations. She is a member of both the Wyoming and Colorado State Bar, the American Bar Association and is a board member of the Wyoming Trial Lawyers Association (WTLA). She served on the Executive Board for the WTLA last year and also writes the criminal law summaries for the WTLA publication the “Coffeehouse.” Outside of her work Overfield is active in the community, previously serving as the president of the Thermopolis Rotary, she participated in Leadership Hot Springs County and served two years as a facilitator for the Parent Leadership Training Institute in Thermopolis and actively volunteers with 4-H. She enjoys spending time with family, her husband Heath, from Cody, and two children.

“It is impressive that Bobbi Overfield has spent her entire career serving the legal needs of people in rural areas of Wyoming.  Among her strengths, she has a wealth of experience, a steady demeanor, and strong ties to the area,” Governor Mead said. “Numerous people who have worked with her and known her over the years highly recommended her and that support factored into her selection.”          

Also nominated were Edward G. Luhm of Worland and Stephen Joseph Darrah of Powell.