Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years
WORLAND – The Worland-Ten Sleep Chamber of Commerce board of directors has hired Washakie County native Cathy Orchard to be the new chamber director. Orchard started Aug. 13 and is filled with enthusiasm and ideas for making the county better for all.
Orchard grew up on a ranch 27 miles south of Ten Sleep and went to a country school through seventh grade on her father's ranch. Upon growing up she married, moved away from the area and raised her family of seven children, mostly in Cody. Five years ago Orchard and her husband moved back to Ten Sleep and Orchard's desire to help began to grow and grow.
Orchard stated that when she came back to Washakie County she could see that help was needed and that she felt that she could help with her energy and entrepreneurial spirit. "I just had been hearing, and I could see the county needed some help. I just felt that I have the desire to think outside the box, ask questions, communicate with people and that's where my fulfilment comes in being involved. I just kept watching the paper, looking for jobs and job openings and then this chamber position came up," Orchard said. She added that she was saddened to see the empty stores, dying lawns and vacant homes left behind because the economy no longer supports the families who owned them.
Many things about Worland and Ten Sleep encouraged Orchard. In Worland, "I am encouraged to see an updated and beautiful hospital, two banks remodeling their buildings, or building new ones, Holly [Wyoming] Sugar with their new tall towers and expanded landscape, Pepsi, Crown Cork and Seal, Coors, PrescribeD Firearms, Stogie Joe's and many other places to eat, our beautiful museum, the businesses that have sprung up on the east side of town since my youthful years in the area. The parks are lovely and well cared for and the updated Pioneer Square is a beautiful addition to Worland," Orchard said.
"Ten Sleep has a marvelous new main street with a water park on the east end, they have been redoing streets and city sewers. Younger business owners give new life to the community. Big Horn Stage is a magnificently restored and dearly loved landmark come back to life. Subdivisions now border town on several sides with new homes and families that have grown up in Washakie County or not and love the area and want to build a life here," she added.
People need enthusiastic leaders. Without enthusiastic leaders community members are thrown off balance and negativity enters, Orchard said.
Worland Ten Sleep Chamber of Commerce board of directors president Deb Larkins added, "There has already been a change in that negativity, it's been turning since she started."
Two or three days a week Orchard visits chamber members and potential members. "I would like to increase the number of members in the Worland-Ten Sleep Chamber of Commerce, double it. We need participation, we need each other. We all need to admit that things have slipped a little and people need some encouragement to participate and work together to make 'Washakie County Great Again.' Whether you are happy with what happened in the past, I can't do anything about the past but I need you for the future. We need each other for the future. I don't feel that the membership dues are outrageous, to where people couldn't participate and give us an opportunity to make a difference," Orchard said.
"More rural participation is needed as well - farmers and ranchers and construction companies, whatever. Because they shop here, they have an invested interest in keeping businesses alive in our communities. From border to border that's where my responsibilities lie, that's what I feel. Not just Worland, not just Ten Sleep but border to border. I think once you become a member that just opens the door of what we can do together. As long as people withhold that, we don't have your participation and we can't include each other when we withhold participation. I think that's destructive, that mind set is destructive and not being concerned about the little guy on the corner. Maybe you are a longtime business and we have a little guy on the corner that is just up and growing, those long term businesses that have been successful have reasons why they have been successful and so they need to give a boost to the little guy or the newbie," she added.
People move to Worland for the low crime, the fresh air, the great water and that small town atmosphere, Orchard said. "But we still have to grow, we can't just stay, nothing stays the same, you just can't live on a plateau. You always have to be changing and updating and improving. Washakie County, Worland and Ten Sleep can never be done improving. That's what we have to get our mind around," Orchard said.
Orchard stated that she has lots of ideas to share with the Worland-Ten Sleep Chamber of Commerce board of directors and the community. She said that she is always looking at what other small communities are successfully doing in not only Wyoming but in other states.
People have come in to visit and called Orchard to give her their ideas, perspectives and experiences being a business owner in this community and Orchard is glad to listen. "I don't mind hearing people's concerns but I want you to have some solutions. If you have a gripe then give me your idea of what needs to be done," Orchard said.
"I would hope that young and old alike can realize that Washakie County needs sustained prosperity of their community built on thriving employers. Worland and Ten Sleep can be rebranded to bring the color and life back to our home. If we develop a spirit of giving and change, we will grow and stores will open and lawns will green up and homes will turn on their lights and the parks, and fairs, and businesses and activities will be successful. As the new director of the chamber of commerce I will commit to that goal, to facilitate an organization of businesses and organizations seeking to further their collective interests, while advancing our communities. I will encourage and help advocate on behalf of the community at large, work to increase economic prosperity and business interests," Orchard said.
"I will make every effort to personally meet each of our members and get to know you and your business or organization. You will see me at functions and community activities and I am always open for a visit and suggestions and comments. I would tell you it is my goal that every business and organization that qualifies will desire to be a member of the Worland-Ten Sleep Chamber of Commerce. We need each other and there is room for each of us. Our talents vary but each is valuable in this community."