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Hear Me Out...Column buffet: NFL Week 1 and Serena

The overreactions to NFL Week 1 are amazing and quite honestly, one of the more underrated parts of the NFL calendar. Everything that happens in Week 1 isn't completely useless, there are useful nuggets here and there but they're usually buried among the heap of overreaction.

For example last year, America's Favorite team the Jacksonville Jaguars racked up 10 sacks and ended the Tom Savage era as quickly as it began. The Jags performance was lost in the Week 1 news because the Kansas City Chiefs rocked the New England Patriots, in New England. All every sports show on ESPN and FS1 wanted to talk about was how much the Chiefs were going to run away with the AFC and who out of the NFC could beat them.

Jump ahead four months and the Chiefs flamed out in the playoffs to a bad Tennessee Titans team, while the Jags made it to the AFC championship game.

It can be tough to separate the overreaction stories from the legit ones but fear not, I'm here to help. Let's take a look at some of the top overreactions from Week 1.


Judgement: No and no. Give credit to the Bucs for beating the breaks off the Saints. They were absolutely impressive and their upset didn't seem like the usual upset. It wasn't like they got up big and desperately had to hold on. No, they owned the Saints and Fitzpatrick was incredible.

The thing with FitzMagic though, is it runs out. There's a reason he's been a backup QB the last handful of seasons. I experienced the first ever FitzMagic when he was with Buffalo in 2010 and he and WR Stevie Johnson brought my fantasy football team, Kuhn n' Friends, from the brink of death to playoff contention. He didn't take me to the playoffs because eventually, the magic ran out and in order to make the playoffs I had to bench the Harvard grad for a young and not yet terrible, Mark Sanchez. (QBs were my Achille's heel that season.)

FitzMagic could end this week or next but it will end.


Judgement: NOPE. Conor was very good against Cleveland and did an excellent Bell impression, but he's not Bell. Bell is a matchup nightmare and keeps defenses on their toes because of his versatility. He's an unbelievably good route runner for a running back, he rarely fumbles and he's always falling forward.

The Steelers are being cheap and if they really believe Conor brings to the table what Bell does, then they deserve all the Ls coming their way.


Judgement: I'm actually in on this one. By no means did Darnold light up the Lions on Monday Night Football but he showed flashes of how good he'll be. Before all of this I thought he was going to be the bust of the 2018 QB class but now I think he might be the best of the group.

He was impressive and granted, they were going against the Detroit Lions and Matt Patricia. Side note, Patricia was average with the Pats when he had players for "his system" and since he doesn't have those guys in Detroit the Lions are going to be a layup line this year. If you're in daily fantasy sports, find the offense playing the Lions and create as many stacks as possible.

Darnold is going to have his rookie moments and, sure, his head is oddly shaped, but when he reaches his career peak I think he'll be in that Brett Favre tier of QBs.


Judgement: Nah. I get the excitement around the Chiefs. Patrick Mahomes was a revelation against the Chargers last week but we're still dealing with Andy Reid here. You can see it already, Reid is going to fall in love with the deep ball and let RB Kareem Hunt waste away pass blocking or running check down routes.

Then when the Chiefs drop five-straight games he'll remember he has Hunt back there. He'll give Hunt more work but he'll miss those deep passing plays, might even have a few dreams about them. Then when the playoffs roll around and they just snuck into the playoffs because they leaned on Hunt, but the deep pass urge will be too great and he'll unleash every play in all its glory.

After another playoff wildcard loss, he'll be stunned why the deep ball didn't win them the game and he'll field questions like why did Hunt only touch the ball eight times? He'll say next year he's going to do better at getting Hunt the ball and me, like a moron, will believe him and draft Hunt to one of my fantasy teams. And the cycle repeats.

Seriously though, if the Chiefs don't lean on their run game a bit more they're in trouble. Their defense is atrocious and if not for two Chargers receivers dropping long touchdown passes at three different points during the game, the talk out of that game is "Are the Chargers really going to do it this season?"


Judgement: Yes. How else to explain what he did to the Bears on Sunday Night?


The Serena Williams vs. Carlos Ramos is my nomination for most overblown sports story of 2018. It is a fat nothing when you break it down. It was another case of a superstar tennis player yelling at an umpire, something that happens during every tennis tournament. It's a nonstory.

I really enjoyed the talking heads or columnists who wrote about it and in the middle of ranting about Serena or Ramos would feign pity for Naomi Osaka and her dominating win. It's comical because you know who could change the narrative on all of this? The very people covering and watching the match.

It's like after this year's NBA Finals when LeBron came to the podium with a cast around his hand. Sure, a few people bought it but the large majority of the NBA media pushed right past it and briefly mentioned it in their stories. They didn't lead with Cavs lose Finals because LeBron hurt his hand. It didn't hurt the Warriors story one bit that LeBron had that cast.

Serena was getting rocked by Osaka, she was frustrated and to top it off had an umpire in Ramos who's been known to pick on the superstars. It was also her second loss in the Major final. She didn't curse at Ramos and all she called him was a thief.

In my mind, the real heroes of the match were the tennis officials who came out to sort out the mess between Ramos and Serena. How they didn't start laughing at Ramos when he said "but she called me a thief", is a testament to their professionalism.

I bet the refs in the NBA and NFL were laughing so damn hard that Ramos took umbrage at being called a thief.

I know the tennis purist are grandstanding that Serena's attitude toward Ramos tarnishes the game and yadda, yadda, yadda, but spare all of us the sanctimony.

John McEnroe is one of the most celebrated players in the history of the sport and is credited for helping grow the game. He constantly berated and cursed out the umpires. There are videos of Roger Federer cursing out Ramos and other umpires to the point that if you're the umpire, the only course of action is to fight him after the match because he went that far.

I get the angle of what about children who were watching? But there's a simple fix to that. If you're a parent and you don't want your kids talking to officials like that, tell them not to do that. Phew, that was a tough one!

Ramos took it out on Serena because he was embarrassed, possibly even a little scared. He had America's greatest living athlete getting on him and was looking for any excuse to show her up. So the moment she called him a thief, he had his out. I'm sure he'll ride this victimhood that will get him a profile on The Athletic or ESPN but we're all going to forget about this soon enough.

Especially, when Serena wins all four majors next year.