Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

Karla's Kolumn: A different type of shopper

I didn't go Black Friday shopping. Well at least as of this writing, because, that's correct, I am at work, writing this column and working on the Saturday issue.

I didn't go Black Friday shopping. Well at least as of this writing, because, that's correct, I am at work, writing this column and working on the Saturday issue. We are closing early today and if I get all my work done there are a few local deals I plan to check out before heading over to the lighting ceremony at Pioneer Square.

I'm excited about the lighting ceremony. I think it will brighten up the city for the holidays and I hope it gets everyone in the mood for Christmas. Mother Nature is in the mood trying to ensure early that we'll have a white Christmas with snow forecast this weekend.

But back to Black Friday, I shopped once in a big community on Black Friday and swore never again. It's too busy and chaotic and for someone who gets a bit claustrophobic in crowds, crowded stores with panicked shoppers on a mission is no place for me.

But I'm also the more task-oriented shopper. I read a story this week about two types of shoppers, the social shopper and the task-oriented. I'm the latter. I like to know exactly what I want before I go shopping. I'm not a huge browser unless it is in a mall, but that's more because I'm a people watcher.

I do like to go to unique gift shops and browse, but just to go to a store and wander the aisles looking for deals, that's not for me.

So Black Friday shopping is not for me and I'm content to be here at my desk letting others deal with the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping.

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I'm going to shop online. I am not an online shopper. I like to see what I'm ordering. Check it out, read the labels, and then wait some more before purchasing. Very few things do I purchase on impulse ... except chocolate. But then it's not really an impulse, chocolate is just always on my list when shopping.

The other problem with Black Friday for me is people have a tendency to buy things they don't need or really want, or have anyone to give it to for Christmas. It's on sale, it's a great price so they buy it. That type of shopping is not good for my budget.

That said, one of those deals I will be looking for this weekend, whether it be Black Friday or Small Business Saturday, is toys for the fur kids. But again, I know exactly what I'm shopping for, who I'm shopping for and I also have a price range in mind.

That's the type of shopper I am.

No matter what type of shopper you are this holiday, I hope you give our local shops around the Big Horn Basin a chance. If you haven't been in them, check them out and see what they have to offer, you may find that hidden treasure that's the perfect gift for someone on your list. You may even find that they have items on your list.

Supporting our local businesses, supports our community and supports events like the lighting ceremony, or next weekend's Christmas Parade of Lights and Breakfast with Santa. Don't forget the Festival of Trees on Dec. 7-8 and the multitude of other community events throughout the year.

Shopping local helps those organizations that receive funding from the one-cent sales tax. Shopping local keeps your money here. But most of all shopping local helps those business owners who live here and who have invested in our community.

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