Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

Karla's Kolumn: Change is inevitable

Change. It's a word that can bring terror to many, to others it is as welcome as a warm sunny day in mid December.

On February 1, 2019 the Northern Wyoming Daily News will begin publishing weekly.

We ask our readers to stand by us through this change and give this new product a chance. Since I started in 2015 we've been slowly transitioning to more and more local news and this change next year makes that transition complete.

Most of my journalism career has been spent working on weeklies. They may have some disadvantages over daily but they have their advantages as well. One of those advantages I learned from the publisher while working in Lovell. A daily newspaper, or nowadays social media or the internet, or other media, may get the news out faster, but we can get it out better and with more details and that is what we hope to do; that is what we plan to do as we transition to a weekly.

In an ever-evolving business world, it is inevitable that change will occur.

The newspaper industry is not exempt from this evolution or the changes that come with it. Just think of the numerous newspapers in the United States which over the past two decades have ceased to exist.

As the owners of the paper stated, this was not a decision that came quickly or easily but one that they feel is necessary for the long-term future of the newspaper, and that we here at the Daily News feel, puts us in the best position to succeed and to put out the best quality product for you our readers.

We know and understand that this is a major shift for our readers and it will take some time to get used to it. However, in a weekly newspaper we will continue to cover the same local news, bring our readers stories and photos on local community events and continue chronicling the lives of the people who live here in Washakie County and the surrounding area.

We are also shifting our focus to a solely local approach. Our reporters and editors will give readers the local news, sports and feature stories that you can't get elsewhere.

We realize our future is local, community news, so that's what we're going to give our readers on a regular basis. But, we're not equipped nor is it practical to do that under our current print schedule.

We are dropping many of our nationally syndicated columnists and Associated Press service and committing to great, comprehensive community journalism that you rely on us to provide. You will get even more local stories and photos with this new model.

There's no shortage for the desire to read news, especially of the local and community variety; that's what we'll be giving you.

We ask that you continue to support us through this change and beyond as we continue to bring news, opinions and sports about things that matter to you, about the things that happen in this community and about the people in this community.