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No need to knead at bread making workshop

WORLAND – Washakie County Extension held an easy no-knead bread-making class last Thursday. Those who preregistered paid the small admission fee to join the one-time class to learn the recipe for the easy European-style bread.

The class brought in 13 groups of people who came with friends, family, or even by themselves to learn the recipe.

Red Reflet Ranch's pastry chef, Stephanie Shaw, was the instructor of the class who handed out the recipe while demonstrating her technique on how to make the perfect bread.

Those at the workshop had the opportunity to work with freshly milled flour for their bread, and were all able to take home dough that was ready for the oven.

No knead bread is a method of baking bread that uses an extended rising time instead of kneading bread to form the gluten strands that give the bread texture. No knead bread is characterized by a low yeast content and very wet dough. More often than not, no knead bread has a thicker, crisper crust as opposed to kneaded bread.

Though some would choose to use a Dutch oven in order to bake their bread, a pot with a lid, or even an iron skillet can suffice.

Some believe that due to yeast producing different byproducts depending on the temperature it rises at that dough formed with a warm rising temperature causes a sourer and sometimes more yeast induced off-flavor as opposed to richer aromas given from bread that is fermented, or raised, at cooler temperatures.

For those who missed the class because spots were full, The Extension Office is hoping to hold another bread making workshop at a later date.

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