Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years
TEN SLEEP – During a small ceremony Monday, afternoon, July 15 at the Ten Sleep Library, Ten Sleep resident Dolleen Grobe was honored as the Wyoming State Library Association's Outstanding Heroine for her passion and love of the library.
A small ceremony was held with community members, Ten Sleep Library staff, Washakie County Library Director Karen Funk, Wyoming State Librarian Jamie Mutch and Wyoming Library Association President Kate Markus.
When asked how she felt about receiving the honor, Grobe stated, "The library is really important to me and I'm just glad that I can do things for it. I am truly honored. It was a total surprise and I am really humbled by it."
She added that she was truly honored that Jamie Markus and Kate Mutch could come.
Grobe was nominated for the honor by Washakie County Library Director Karen Funk for Grobe's past years of service on the Washakie County Library Board, Foundation and current membership of the Friends of the Ten Sleep Library.
Funk said she chose Grobe as a nominee, "Because of her continued passion for the library and her passion to be a volunteer in her community. Her involvement on the library board and the library foundation board are strictly volunteer positions. This takes dedication to attend meetings, to become involved in policies, and to help oversee budgets and help make wise choices that benefit all people in Washakie County."
Grobe's nomination by Funk states, "Our super heroine is Dolleen Grobe. Dolleen has supported the Washakie County Library System in many ways over the years. After having children, Dolleen filled her love for education by becoming an English teacher and worked for the Washakie County School Disctrict No. 1 and No. 2. While teaching she diligently worked at exposing her students to different genres and making sure they made time to visit the school/public library.
"Once retirement came around [2009] she followed her passion for reading and books by trying out her next 'dream job' to work in a library. One day per week she joined forces at the Ten Sleep Branch Library and moved to the other side of the desk to learn about the perils of library work.
"Volunteering at the local humane society brought her a beautiful dog named Gus. Gus now visits the library every day and is known as 'the library dog.' He rates a treat on every visit and he slurps a child's hand or face. Excitement happens when the kids say, 'I know that dog!'
"Over the years Dolleen has served two terms on our County Library Library Board and then moved to the Washakie County Library Foundation. She was an
asset in working toward and meeting our endowment goals. She has always been a friend to the Ten Sleep Library and makes friends at all libraries in her travels. She has filled needs for our After the Bell after school program, provided special items for our displays, reviews our Friends scholarships and will even run over to the library to hang a 'closed' sign on the door during an emergency. (She says will do anything for the library that is not illegal) When Dolleen makes a commitment to join any organization, she dedicates her time, talents and energy. If she would happen to miss a meeting, it would be a shock. She volunteers with a purpose and is dedicated to the cause.
"She has been instrumental in the continued transformation of the Ten Sleep Branch Library renovation through her work with the Friends of the Library. Sometimes a need is seen and it shows up at our library unannounced and with no recognition desired. Her suggestions are well thought out before bringing them to the table. Her talent is multi-faceted: being non-judgmental, unconditional support, and generous with her time and finances.
"When someone sees Dolleen on the street in our community they see a friendly face that speaks a library to them. Although recognition is not something she desires, we feel the need to recognize her. She has our back and we want to recognize her as a person who makes a difference through dedication and volunteerism."