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Tracie's Thoughts: Things I just don't understand

I remember growing up and not understanding things and being told by family, teachers and friends that I would understand when I got older, but here I am 47 years old and I find myself more confused now than when I was a child.

The other day, my husband and I were traveling over the Big Horns, going from Buffalo to Ten Sleep. It was a beautiful day and the sights were amazing. In front of us were two campers going under the 65 miles per hour speed limit and cars were backing up behind them. The campers weren't going that slowly but you could tell that quite a few drivers were irritated. Drivers began trying to pass in unsafe areas, on blind corners and with no regard to the chance of wildlife (which are usually quite large on the mountain) crossing the road. I still don't understand what the problem was. I thought unless there was an emergency or maybe the transportation of a human organ, why people were willing to risk their lives and the lives of others to go, maybe, 5 miles per hour faster.

Speaking of driving, another thing that I don't understand is the need to text while driving. Once again, I understand in case of emergency (a real emergency). I personally have seen a young lady texting while driving run the stop light at 15th and Big Horn. She never even looked up from her phone, just drove right through. If it wasn't for the foresight of the driver in front of me, the texter would have broad-sided me.

I also question why it is that people who have a difference of opinion can't get along. Why is it that only one opinion is to be respected? Why can't people just agree to disagree? Why does the difference in opinion need to lead to violence?

Another thing I don't understand is the fact that it seems that so many people these days are offended by anything and everything. Didn't it used to be that if you found something offensive, you just got over it? You didn't try to stop everyone from enjoying or doing what you found offensive.

I personally can't stand the color yellow, but I believe that I do not have the right to take away someone else's right to wear the color or plant yellow flowers in their garden. My dislike should never take from anyone else's rights.

Religion is another thing that has me completely baffled. I don't understand why people of different faiths or no faith have to be against each other. I don't understand how a cross in a town square could cause hate and discontent with some people.

I look at it is this way: If a person believes and worships God and Jesus, how is that in anyway affecting anyone else? If I believe and I die and find out that I was wrong, at least I tried to lead a good life. If those who don't believe are right, what have they lost, but if they are wrong, what have they lost? I personally would rather be wrong and have faith in God and Jesus, than take the chance.

Finally, the one thing that I don't understand the most is bullying. I applaud the community and schools for the programs and ways they try to stop bullying. I love the fact that the children are being taught the Golden Rule: treat others the way you would want to be treated.

But, how can these programs work when children are being indoctrinated by TV, movies, magazines, newspapers and social media?

Spend an hour watching TV and see how many times, via commercials and show content, people are being shown bullying someone else by belittling, attacking personal appearance and treating others poorly. Social media is also scary. Even if you post a cute funny picture, there is a 90 percent chance (my opinion) that you will be attacked, belittled and or treated poorly.

There are many more things I don't understand in this world and I believe that the way the world is going there will be many more to add to the list. I kind of wish I was a kid again, when I didn't understand but didn't worry about it so much.

Tracie Mitchell is a staff writer at the Northern Wyoming News