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Washakie County Fair Board discusses responsibilities

WORLAND – The Washakie County Fair Board met on Monday night and discussed concerns that were brought up at last month’s meeting.

The board was approached by Janet Benson, who was representing both the Washakie County Extension Office where she works, and the 4H-Council, in order to help create dialogue between the two sides.

Discussions were had regarding new protocols that the fair board would need to discuss in the coming months to smooth out certain aspects before next year’s fair, which is July 26 through Aug. 1.

Fair board chairperson David Doyle believes that these protocols need to be put in place so that it is more clear what responsibilities the Extension office will have, and how these processes will be done in order for the fair to be a smoother process with forms and paperwork.

Another area of frustration that was discussed between the board and Benson was the responsibilities that come with being a superintendent during the fair.

The board concluded that there needs to be a job description drawn up that will list what each superintendent is responsible for, so that they know their responsibilities, in order to hold them accountable and clear up any confusion regarding misconceptions of the superintendent position.

A decision was made to provide the 4-H council with minutes from the fair board meetings, in order to reduce the communication gap between the two, so that they have an understanding of what each board is discussing regarding fair.

Another idea that was brought up was to bring back “funny money” to the fair, but with control over the distribution of the money in order to ensure the rewards are used properly, and no person will receive more than they are intended to receive.

The premium checks for fair participants were finished and will be distributed at achievement night for 4-H tonight, Nov. 14. After achievement night checks can be picked up at the Extension office until the start of next year on Jan. 1.

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