Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years
TEN SLEEP – The Ten Sleep school board met on Monday, Jan. 13 for their regularly scheduled meeting to discuss minor changes to the attendance policy to possibly allow for excused absences for post-secondary institution visits.
The board approved the change unanimously on first reading.
Another policy concerning the Ten Sleep Recreation District changed verbiage to become more aligned with state statutes regarding final budget being reviewed and considered by the school board. This policy was also passed unanimously on first reading. They are expected to be brought up for a second reading next month.
With Superintendent Jimmy Phelps absent from the meeting due to a personal matter, Principal Levi Collins oversaw discussion regarding opening up a bid for a new phone system for the school district. According to Collins, the district has had the current system for around eight years when the typical lifespan of the system is four years; the board is seeking Cisco certified applicants for the new system.
The board decided to take no action on replacing an activity bus with a new bus, with action expected to be taken next month. No action was taken regarding adjusting bus routes at this time but is expected to be brought up later.
A student who submitted a work study request for a modified schedule was approved.
The board went in to executive session to discuss personnel issues.
Next meeting will include a discussion on the 2020-2021 school calendar.