Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

UPDATES FROM Washakie County Public Health Officer


There are 137 confirmed Covid-19 infections in Wyoming with only 1 attributed to Washakie County. Washakie county has performed 24 tests with 19 returned as negative and 5 with results pending. The one positive of a Washakie County resident was collected in Hot Springs County.

I am so glad it SNOWED! Today hopefully fewer people out ignoring recommendations. Just yesterday the Worland city parks had NUMEROUS children playing in them! That playground equipment and swings are NOT sanitized. The Coronavirus can be found on steel surfaces for up to 72 hours! Child after child playing on the same equipment is not helping slow the spread of Coronavirus! Keep your children at HOME. My own young children have not been to a store or public event in over two weeks. Walking and riding bikes is fine as a family. Groups of friends should NOT be meeting up to go ride bikes or play basketball.

There are still ENTIRE families at the grocery store! Apparently there are quite a few people who are not taking this virus and virus precautions seriously!. Please send ONE person to the store and keep everyone else at home. Also still a good number of the elderly at Blair's yesterday. If anyone over 80 yrs of age catches this virus they have a 1 in 5 chance of DEATH regardless of the level of medical care the receive. Please reach out to those over 60 years of age and help them not have to go to the store or even leave their home.

Dr. Zimmerman