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TEN SLEEP – Ten Sleep School has not been open since mid-March due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) but is set to open on Wednesday, Aug. 19, and house a full school of students for the first time in about five months.
Washakie County School District No. 2 has been working with the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE), Washakie County Public Health (WCPH) and Wyoming Department of Health (WDH).
The district is planning to open under tier one under the WDE Smart Start plan, which allows for all students to return under the provisions of current health orders.
According to the district’s reopening plan, social distancing will be observed to the greatest extent possible, but face coverings may be required of employees when social distancing guidelines with students cannot be maintained for an extended period of time.
Three masks have been ordered for each student, Washakie Public Health Officer Dr. Edward Zimmerman is asking Ten Sleep School to require students have masks on them or within reach for use should social distancing not be able to be observed. Students do have the option to wear a mask the whole day.
Students are required to wear masks when they leave the classroom for an outside purpose such as using the restroom. Masks will be required to be worn during passing periods.
Should the district move into tier two, it will move into possible remote learning where most students will attend online, but students in special populations may attend the school in person on a possible rotational basis. Social distancing and face coverings may be required for all of those who attend in person.
In tier three, the school will be closed due to local or state health directives or orders, the district will follow provisions in the approved adapted (remote) learning plan. Buildings will not be open to students.
Parents should screen students for symptoms of COVID-19 before sending their children to school, it is imperative for students who are ill to stay home. Staff is expected to monitor themselves for illness every day and any student reporting an illness will be sent home.
Staff will also check temperatures of students twice a day in the morning and afternoon.
To start the school day, students arriving by bus will enter the building via the east main doors, and students arriving by parent drop-off or student drivers will enter via the west main entrance doors. Doors will not open for the school until 7:45 a.m.
Anyone entering the building is expected to sanitize their hands, with sanitizing stations located at each entrance and in various locations throughout district buildings.
Traffic patterns will be established in order to limit movement in common and transition areas at times during the school day. Classrooms, lunchrooms and transportation will be arranged to allow for social distancing as much as possible.
School will attempt to keep students in cohorts of classmates to the greatest extent possible. Should the cohorts rotate to other spaces, the rooms, equipment and materials will be disinfected prior to the next group’s arrival.
On the playground, students should remain with the same group of students to the greatest extent possible. Student cohorts will be assigned designated areas on the playground or fields. Students will sanitize or wash their hands upon entering the building.
The district will make an effort to reduce the amount of shared items and equipment between students; if they are shared then any shared student-use equipment will be cleaned after each use.
Disposable trays will be used during lunch. Lunch will be made available for students in the cafeteria who choose to be fully in online learning. All parents and family members are asked to not attend lunch with students during this year.
Masks will be used by students or staff who exhibit symptoms and the nurses’ office will have separate areas for healthy and ill students. Students that are required to be sent home from school for exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms should be picked up within 30 minutes.
Water bottles have been ordered for all students and modifications are being made to water fountains to fill water bottles. Students and staff will be asked not to use the drinking fountains in the traditional manner.
The district is asking that Visits from parents or others be limited. Visitors will be asked to remain in the lobby when possible. Parents are encouraged to contact the school by phone or email when possible.
Any employee or student who has symptoms of COVID-19, a rapid response test may be taken at Washakie Medical Center free of charge to the individual.
The district’s plan highlights multiple scenarios regarding what would happen due to “virus catching fears,” someone catching the virus and schools closing through public health orders due to the pandemic.
In each of these scenarios, it discusses the possibility and importance that there is an option available for fully online learning, and should contact Principal Levi Collins at the school to discuss these scenarios should a family decide the student should learn online. The option to enroll children for either in-person or full-time online learning is available due to COVID-19 risk.
The district has ordered a swivel, which follows the teacher around and will allow remote students to be involved in the classroom if they are required to stay home.
All school events such as school assemblies, pep rallies, plays, dances, concerts, back-to-school nights, etc. will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether or not they can safely be held.
All field trips or other activities outside of school will also be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Travel will generally be limited according to county and state health orders.
WCSD No. 2 will follow all guidelines provided by the Wyoming High School activities Association (WHSAA) and the recommendations from the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) regarding team sports and activities.
Limitations will be given on attendance to indoor events, tickets will be distributed via athletes first to prioritize families attend the game for the home and away teams before limited general public will be allowed. Those entering will be asked to provide information at both football and volleyball, wear masks when entering building for volleyball, before reaching their seat and may remove the mask when social distanced.
Games will be streamed online for volleyball and football via Pixellot, and the district is exploring a way to make all games free to view should spectators not be able to attend in person.
The district plans to continually communicate with local and state authorities to determine disease levels and control measures in the community, and provide multiple methods of communication with parents regarding the status of the school.
The district will periodically hold Zoom meetings ]in order to engage parents and caregivers and to build trust and credibility.
The district will also identify how new cases, exposure and related implications will be communicated. The district will protect student privacy in the case that he or she has tested positive in relation to the federal law.
The district will continue to collect feedback from students, parents and teachers about instructional successes and concerns.