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Worland develops back-to-school guide

Classes slated to begin next week

WORLAND – Washakie County School District No. 1 has not held full capacity schooling since the middle of March due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) but are set to begin in person learning starting next Tuesday, Aug. 18.

In person school is expected to begin Tuesday for all schools except for East Side Elementary as the WCSD No. 1 Board of Trustees is set to meet Wednesday, Aug. 12, to discuss potentially delaying East Side’s reopening until Thursday, Aug. 20, due to two positive COVID-19 cases in staff at the school. The board decision was made after the Northern Wyoming News’ press deadline.

The district has been working with the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE), Washakie County Public Health (WCPH) and Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) over the last couple of months to work on a plan for the schools to reopen safely and in person.

The school is planning to open under phase one as outlined by the (WDE), which is opening with in-person learning and activities as appropriate with social distancing and face coverings being used to the greatest extent possible.

Should the school need to transition to phase two which is hybrid learning, which is primarily under the schools Amended Adaptive Learning Plan (AALP) and only up to 50 students in special populations would be allowed into the building. If the school needed to enter into phase three, all schools would be closed and the district would follow their AALP.

According to the school’s COVID-19 Re-entry Plan, in all phases the district will monitor staff and students for any signs of COVID-19 symptoms and will stay in constant contact with County Health Officer Dr. Ed Zimmerman for continued updates on community re-emergence indicators.


According to the plan, parents should screen their children each day for symptoms of COVID-19 using the “COVID-19 school/parent health monitoring form,” if a student has a fever of 100.4 then the child should stay home. Any and all students exhibiting symptoms will also stay at home.

Any student reporting illness and/or exhibiting symptoms will be sent home and will follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state/local health officer guidelines before returning to school or work. Symptomatic students awaiting pickup will be in an isolation room, separate from the nurse’s office, which will be available in all buildings.

Principals are to determine entrances and exits from the buildings to limit the number of entrances and exits for each group of students to maximize social distancing. Once students enter the building, they will wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer. Sanitizing stations will be available at all entrances, in classrooms and strategically placed in hallways.

Masks will be provided to all staff and students and the masks will be washed and sanitized nightly by building custodial staff. They will be worn when social distancing is not possible/practicable, but not required during physical education activities.

Plexi-glass barriers will be placed strategically in each building. Cleaning and sanitizing will be done regularly using approved materials.

Equipment will not be shared; however, if it is not possible to not share the equipment then it will be cleaned after each use. School supplies will be provided to students upon request, they will not be shared and will be kept at the school.

Principals are expected to work with local health officers to develop hallway transition plans in each building, and will ensure that staff and students are adhering to local health guidelines.

According to the plan, as of Aug. 4, local health officers have asked schools take temperatures before school and midday until local health releases the restriction. Students who are sick should not attend school in-person and instead connect via Canvas and Zoom for Homebound and/or remote instruction.

Guests must be pre-approved by building principals and must follow screening procedures.

Teachers will instruct students in hand washing, hand sanitizing and other symptoms checks.


In the event of a positive case, enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures will be implemented. If a positive case is identified it will be reported immediately to the building principal and to the central office. Staff and students exposed to a known case will self-quarantine and test as recommended by the county health officer or a state epidemiologist.

Even if a student tests negative, they will quarantine by the recommendation of the county health officer from the last contact with the known COVID-19 case after which they may return to school. If a staff member is quarantined, they may be allowed to provide educational services from home.

If a student or staff member has COVID-19 exposure will be determined to others in the school community.

School closure decisions will occur in consultation with the county health officer.


Signage will be placed inside school buildings to remind people of social distancing. Classrooms and cafeterias will be rearranged to allow for social distancing measures. Activities such as music, art and PE may be held outside or in larger spaces to limit the number of persons in a confined space under the governor’s current orders.

Traffic will be reduced in hallways by utilizing one-way signs and alternating when classes are released, dependent on the building.

Signage will be placed to remind people that when social distancing is not possible that masks must be worn. Staff should wear face coverings as practicable and students should wear face coverings when social distancing is not possible.


Transportation will be significantly different from the past and parents on bus routes will be contacted regarding new routes and procedures. Arrival and departure times will be staggered to accommodate social distancing and food service.

Bus loads will be reduced to allow or one student/family per seat, masks will be worn to the greatest extent possible when social distancing is not possible, in the event of a school closure busses will not run.

Drivers will be worked with to designate an isolation area in the event a student is visibly ill, surfaced will be wiped down with disinfectant cleaners after each run. Parents are encouraged to provide transportation to and from school if possible.

Meals and meal times will be adjusted to accommodate social distancing, use of face coverings and appropriate hygiene measures. Principals will ensure no more than 50 students will be served in a single, confined space.

Buffet and self-serve options will be eliminated. Kitchens and lunch rooms will be cleaned and sanitized.


Instruction is broken down into three different tiers which are in sync with the different phases of school being open.

In tier one, in addition to in-person learning, teachers will also deploy guaranteed curriculum to Wyoming education standards via Canvas, Zoom and Chromebooks.

Through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER) students will be issued Chromebooks under a 1:1 policy. Online assignments and content will be posted daily by teachers to accommodate students sent home due to illness or are under quarantine procedures.

During the first few weeks of school, schools are to focus on strategies that will make for successful learning in preparation for tier two and tier three learning.

In tier two instruction, hybrid learning will be in effect, as on-site students and staff will employ social distancing and face coverings to the greatest extent possible. Off-site students will connect to live instruction via Canvas and Zoom.

Teachers will instruct students face-to-face while simultaneously instructing remote students, attendance will be traced twice a day for elementary or by class period for middle and high school.

In tier three all schools will be closed and all instruction will be done according to the district’s AALP.

With a Chromebook being issued to every student in the district, the district will be in contact with families regarding connectivity in the fall. Hard copy material can and will be provided when all means of providing internet have been exhausted, or immediately upon a parent request.

Washakie Online will be the same through each tier, and will have attendance tracked weekly through virtual participation metrics.


Student activities are to be done in a way that maximizes social distancing, use of face coverings and appropriate hygiene measures.

During athletics, players should refrain from wearing face coverings during strenuous activity. Plans provided by the Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA) also come in a three-phase model.

The phases instituted by the WHSAA are in reverse order from every other system, with phase one being the most restrictive and phase three being the more open.

In phase one, only up to 10 people may gather inside or outside for workouts with all persons being screened for symptoms along with a temperature check.

Students working out should be conducted in pods of students, with social distancing being enforced.

Students should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds before touching any surfaces or participating in workouts.

Locker rooms will not be utilized and students should head home directly after the activity and shower.

All equipment should be cleaned in between individual uses; students should not share clothing or equipment.

All students shall bring their own water bottle and water bottles must not be shared, hydration stations should not be utilized.

In phase two, screening will continue for all individuals, no gatherings of more than 10 people indoors and up to 50 outdoors.

If locker rooms or meeting rooms are used then social distancing must be adhered to. Equipment may be shared and workouts may be conducted in pods of students.

Students should continue to bring their own water bottle and hydration stations will not be utilized.

In phase three, it is not specifically noted that students will be screened at practices, but any person who has had a fever or cold symptoms in the previous 24 hours should not be allowed to take part.

Records shall be kept of individuals in attendance and present for workouts in all phases.

The district’s plan is being updated continually and this reflects the plan as of press time.

A special meeting was scheduled for Wednesday regarding the opening at East Side Elementary. An update from the meeting will be posted at

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