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3 Worland students finalists in first UW Agricultural Education contest

UW is hosting a virtual teaching contest to practice career skills in agricultural education in honor of Teach Ag Day, which was Thursday, Sept. 17.

The purpose of the Agricultural Education Contest is to provide students with interest in Agricultural Education as a profession the opportunity to practice and test their professional skills. Each part of the event simulates, as closely as possible, real-world activities that are used by real-world employers.

There are two divisions in this year’s contest the high school division and the collegiate division. The High School Division is any high school student in grades 9-12 and, Collegiate Division is any student enrolled in a post-secondary institution in an education or agriculture area of study.

Worland High School has three of the state’s four finalists — Efrain Deniz, Luke Voss and Brooke Wright. The fourth finalist is Emma Daly of West Grand High School.

Contest Rules: All materials, including lesson plans and instructional materials will be the result of each participant’s own efforts. All materials must be adapted for a virtual platform.

Event Format: This year’s contest theme will be: agricultural mechanics: skills, technology and careers. Lesson plan and accompanying materials were submitted by Sept. 17.

The final round will be virtually on Sept. 23.  During the final round the four finalists (two from each division) will teach a 10-15 minute learning segment using Mursion Augmented Reality. 

Present at the teaching session will be contest facilitators, judges, and various observers.

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