Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

The News Editorial: Now more than ever shop local

For 10 years now there has been Small Business Saturday® created by American Express to encourage people to shop locally at the smaller businesses.

According to the website, in the midst of the recession in 2010 — American Express created Small Business Saturday® on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage people to Shop Small and bring more holiday shopping to small businesses.

This year, more than ever we need to support our small businesses, our local businesses. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a struggle for most of our small businesses. Your business this holiday season, and all year long, ensures they are there for many years to come and will help get them through this pandemic.

While Wyoming didn’t lock down tight like many states and cities, many people have stayed away from stores because of the pandemic. Many stores have curbside pickup, some have delivery options and some even have online presence. I am sure many local business owners will work with you to help make your shopping experience safe and enjoyable.

My concern is with the recent county health order requiring face coverings in public places including businesses that many will want to turn to counties without orders, including our neighbor to the north. That’s not to say we don’t want to support Big Horn County small businesses as well, but I hope people will not run away from our businesses just because of the mandate.

I have heard in person comments about people saying they will do more shopping online this year, and several have posted on social media their desire to go to counties that do not have a mandate.

Supporting our local businesses now, during the pandemic and during the holiday season, ensures that those businesses are there when you need them, for a last minute gift, last minute treats for school, to help support your kids’ activity.

Shopping local and supporting our small businesses, whether it is Saturday or any other day of the week, supports that business for now and into the future, it supports and helps the entire community by ensuring the employees are able to stay here because they still have jobs here.

This year, now, more than ever, it is important to support our local businesses. You can shop in person and be safe, social distance, wear a face covering and wash your hands frequently.

We would like to thank all of our customers for supporting us this year – our advertisers and our loyal readers.

In addition to encouraging everyone to Shop Small® this weekend we also encourage everyone to have a fun, safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

Karla Pomeroy