Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

WESTI Ag Days continues next Tuesday

WORLAND – The Wyoming Extension's Strategically and Technologically Informative (WESTI) Ag Days will continue this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Feb. 16-18.

This year WESTI Ag Days is being held in person in the Washakie County Extension Meeting Room and Washakie Museum & Cultural Center. A virtual option will be provided for several of the workshops for those not wishing to attend in person.

On Tuesday, Feb. 16, an Agronomy Workshop will be at the Washakie Museum by certified professional agronomist Neal Fehringer beginning at 10 and 11 a.m. Youngquist said that those attending will find an interactive workshop that deals with soil analysis along with other ways to help correct problematic soils.

Also on Feb. 16, there will be a presentation by UW Extension's Barton Stam regarding grazing strategies for dry years, which Youngquist said may be an important show for this year after the small amount of precipitation Washakie County has received over the winter. The presentation will be at the Extension meeting room at 3 p.m.

On Wednesday, Feb. 17, there will be a presentation at 10 a.m. at the Washakie Museum on effective antibiotic use in cattle given virtually by Mark Apley of the Kansas State Extension. Following that presentation there will be a course on utilizing genetic selection tools and Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) in beef cattle presented by UW Extension beef production specialist Shelby Rosasco.

UW Extension's John Hewlett will discuss tools for evaluating and managing risk in agriculture during a workshop at 3 p.m. Feb. 17 at the Extension meeting room.

On the final day, Feb. 18, there will be a program at the museum on sugar beets at 8 a.m. by UW Extension's Bill Stump and UW plant sciences Andrew Kniss. Youngquist will also discuss the benefits and challenges of no-till farming in the Big Horn Basin.

The final event will be in the extension room at 3 p.m. which will be an outlook on current climate conditions hosted by Wyoming Extension's Windy Kelley.

Sack Lunches will be provided on each day next week. Youngquist said you must call ahead to reserve your sack lunch which they have not done in the past. A hot breakfast will be served Feb. 18.

In addition to the food changes, Youngquist said there will not be a trade show this year. There will not be a pesticide class during WESTI Ag Days, but there will be a pesticide applicator training on March 16 offered at the Extension office.

All events this year will be free during WESTI Ag Days thanks to numerous sponsors.

Those needing to call to RSVP for lunch or for registration, questions or more information, contact Washakie County Extension at 307-347-3431 or [email protected].

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