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Karla's Kolumn: Is the News building haunted?

Do you remember on the Family Circus comic strip the “ghost” Not Me.

When the parents ask the children who did something they would say “Not Me” and the ghost would be in the next panel.

Well here at the Northern Wyoming News we have our own version of Not Me.

Our Not Me, we just call The Ghost or T.G. T.G. has been at the News for many years from what I understand. Some days T.G. is more active than other days.

Every day, and yes, I mean every day, a door opens and closes. You will look up to see who is coming in or going out. You see no one has left or returned. There is no customer.

Who was it? T.G.

Some days you hear doors open and close throughout the day, perhaps T.G. is not alone?

Sometimes you will hear something crash. Now, the first time I heard a crash I went and investigated and was puzzled not to find anything out of place, anywhere.

The second time, the same thing.

And then finally, I gave up looking and just chalk up the mysterious crash noises to T.G.

We all still look up when the doors open and close because, well, it could actually be one of the staff or a customer instead of T.G.

Sometimes T.G. takes it to the next level like the one day I was the last to leave and I heard the toilet running in the men’s restroom.

Yes, I knew I was the only one in the building but I knocked and then entered just inside the door.

I knew I needed to check the toilet so it did not run all night. As I approached the stall I heard the sound of the toilet paper roll turning. I backed out of the restroom. I called our reporter to make sure everyone had left, checked the parking lot and returned to the restroom. Walked to the stall. No one was there but the toilet was still running. I fixed the toilet and left.

So we now know T.G. is a male, just like in Family Circus.

We do not know much else but I am thinking it is time to begin some digging into the history of the construction of the building, all the employees who have every worked here.

I would like to know more about T.G.

I do know he is not malicious just noisy. I am curious why T.G. does not just walk through walls and doors. I mean I thought that was the whole point of being a ghost – nothing to restrain you – no physical boundaries.

But the biggest question I want answered is why? Why is T.G. still wandering the halls at the Northern Wyoming News? What is keeping him there?

Perhaps he is like all of us newspaper folk in that we just need to make sure the paper is put to bed each night (week) and then the next morning we are ready to begin work on the next issue.


Believe It Or Not on this first day of April in the year of our Lord 2021.

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