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Veile Mortuary seeks variances for expansion, enhancements

WORLAND – The Worland Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission approved one variance and tabled another for Veile Mortuary in Worland.

Veile Mortuary was seeking a variance to extend the roof of the mortuary 12 feet along Culbertson Avenue. The extension is part of renovations that have been ongoing and includes a new entryway off of Culbertson.

Building Official Randy Adams said that the extension is considered permanent structure and posts would be within the city right-of-way which is not allowed.

After discussing several options, the board asked Veile owner Clayton Dragoo if he could redesign the entryway so that the extension is not a permanent structure within the city right-of-way. Dragoo said he would contact his architect.

The variance request was tabled until new drawings are provided.

The second variance, to extend the garage along Eighth Street by 10 feet was approved.

The variance is required because city code requires permanent structures be setback 25 feet from the alley and since the garage is attached to the rest of the mortuary it is considered a permanent structure.

The board noted that accessory buildings in the neighborhood come right up against the alley.

Adams did say that the additional 10 feet would still meet the line-of-sight triangle.

He also said setbacks are only required in residential zones and not commercial.

Dragoo asked if the board would consider a rezoning but the board does not like spot zoning.

Landis Benson said he would prefer to approve the variance than consider rezoning. "I want to make this work. I like what you're doing there, it's good for the town," Benson said.

The board asked Adams if his main concern is setting a precedent and he said yes.

Scott Fritzler said, "I don't see a precedent being set," noting that the board is basing the decision on the current and long-term use of the building.

The motion to approve the variance was approved unanimously with James Donahue absent.

The board is still seeking a new member to the board.