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Quinn sworn in as county assessor

WORLAND – Washakie County Deputy Assessor Nancy Quinn was selected by the Washakie County Commissioners as the next Washakie County Assessor and was sworn in on Tuesday, July 6.

Quinn has been the deputy assessor for nine years and was hoping to continue the legacy of now former Washakie County Assessor Kathy Treanor who decided to retire after holding the position for 18 years and serving in the office of assessor for 32 years.

Quinn was the top candidate selected by the Washakie County Republican Central Committee last week, with other candidates Matthew Bates and Rick Martin.

The commissioners asked each of the candidates questions pertaining to why they were most qualified for the position, how they would handle public should they come in with questions regarding their taxable possessions and different terms regarding the position.

Quinn said that while under Treanor and since Quinn has also been in the office that they have always been up to state standards each year.

She said that she has been tutoring with Treanor prior to taking the position but said that there "are some things that everyone can learn and state statutes change."

She said that the most important thing that her office can do with the public is education because being able to explain why taxes likely went up is important to helping them reach an understanding if there is a question from a taxpayer.

Quinn will now take over the position and complete the rest of Treanor's term, she will be need to file and run in the 2022 election in order to retain the position.

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