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Old library building sold

WORLAND – The Washakie County Commissioners announced that they have sold the former Washakie County Library building located at 1019 Coburn Ave. after the county closed on the sale Friday, July 16.

Chairman Commissioner Fred Frandson said that the building was sold to Cole and Brittany Tidemann who are believed to be opening a preschool in its place.

The library is currently closed while they are transitioning into the newly renovated building at 801 Big Horn Ave.

During the commissioners meeting on Tuesday, July 20, Tom Schmeltzer of building maintenance said that he should be putting together some shelving that they have received for the new building next week.

He also said that he is working on placing windows in the office doors upstairs in the new Youth Alternatives, Washakie Development Association (WDA) and Worland-Ten Sleep Chamber of Commerce. Schmeltzer also said he is working on getting an American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant door for the front door to the lower section of the chamber of commerce.

Washakie County Library Director Karen Funk came before the commissioners to discuss purchasing a new refrigerator as well as new technology for the new library. The discussion between Funk and the commissioners focused on whether the freezer needed to be on top or bottom of the refrigerator portion.

The commissioners and Funk came to an agreement for a cheaper refrigerator with the freezer on top. Funk also gave the commissioners a list of television sizes that had been compiled for each area of the library. The commissioners were unsure if the presented sizes were the correct ones for each area and asked Funk to come back with a revised list at the next meeting.

Funk said the televisions would be paid for with a combination of donations made for the new library.


The commissioners held a brief discussion regarding building a new ambulance station at 716 Robertson Ave. The commissioners previously approved a property swap with Mercado Investments LLC which gave Kings Carpet One the old Kennedy Ace Rental Building located at 124 North Eighth Street at their July 6 meeting.

Frandson said that he had created a preliminary sketch for the new building and had been in contact with Cody Regional Health Emergency Management Services Director Phillip Franklin regarding potential needs for the future building.

Frandson said they are just beginning preliminary discussions on the building, and may seek the help of an architect in the near future.

Frandson later said that the county plans to use funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 that allows them to improve infrastructure.


Schmeltzer said that he had finished installing pipe at the Washakie County Fairgrounds, and should have better water pressure to the bathrooms at the arena for fair. Schmeltzer said he is unsure, however, how the water supply will be in general at the fair due to little moisture this summer.

Sheri Gunderson of Youth Alternatives said that she was informed by Lila Jolley of Washakie County Prevention that there will be a drug takeback day this Saturday, July 24, from 9 until 11 a.m. at the Washakie County Law Enforcement Center.

Washakie County Assessor Nancy Quinn came before the commissioners to discuss salaries in her office, and how she intended to move her employees around into different positions.

Quinn said she came before the commissioners to ensure that they knew what she intended to do, and help make sure she is within budget.

Dean Carroll was re-appointed to the Washakie County Hospital Board, Mike Robinson and Michael Collen were appointed to the Ten Sleep Solid Waste Board and Jody Smith was appointed to the Washakie County Library Board.

The commissioners approved a transfer of $11,500 from courthouse unanticipated emergency expense to general accounts to balance the 2020-21 budget.

Read more about the commissioners meeting in next week’s edition of the Northern Wyoming News.