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WORLAND — Worland Mayor Jim Gill appointed and the council approved the appointment of Alain Poncelet to the Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission (BAPC).
The BAPC has been missing its seventh member since Jenn Rasmussen’s resignation in the spring.
Poncelet, in his letter of interest and at Tuesday night’s council meeting said he is originally from Belgium and moved to Eugene, Oregon, seven years ago. He moved to Worland almost a year ago and is employed at Wyoming Sugar.
He said he just bought a house a few months ago and plans on staying in Worland.
In his letter he wrote that he was approached about the open position from member Michael Sanchez.
“The same way I served my adoptive community in Eugene [volunteer firefighter], I want to serve the citizens of Worland and I think that this position at the board of planning and zoning would be a great fit,” Poncelet wrote.
He added that he has extensive experience in several industries including aeronautical, cars and trucks, concrete and plywood manufacturing, retail and the sugar industry. In the various positions he has worked in engineering and management.
“I would love to put my experience and motivation at the service of the board of planning and zoning,” he said.
In other business, Worland Police Chief Gabe Elliott reported that they had made a conditional offer for a new officer pending background check.
Prior to adjournment the council met in executive/closed session for litigation and potential litigation at the request of City Attorney Kent Richins.