Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

Discover what the library has to offer

Anyone who thinks libraries are becoming obsolete need only to have attended the grand opening of the new Washakie County Library on Saturday, with more than 200 people taking time out of their weekend to stop by and check out the library.

While the facility at 801 Big Horn also houses several government and economic development offices upstairs, Saturday’s event highlighted the main floor, or Suite 100, the Washakie County Library in Worland.

Young and old were checking out books. Sheridan County Librarian Cameron Duff was found reading a book to his young son before the program started.

There are many places for people to stop and enjoy reading a book, magazine or newspaper.

From its meager beginnings in the Washakie County Courthouse to new library on Worland’s main street, the library continues to strive to be relevant.

Author John Davis talked about doing research at the library for a number of his books, whether it be reading historical local books or diving into past issues of the Worland Grit.

Everyone who worked on the new library to bring its vision into a reality are to be commended for developing a building that is a wonderful asset to the Worland community.

While there are TVs in the young adult section, and a computer station for the public, the biggest thing the library offers, and has always offered is books.

I loved reading as child and as a teen and I fell away from it finding other interests but recently I fell back in love with reading, letting a book take you away, allowing yourself to get lost in the story.

My favorite genre is crime drama but the most recent book I read was Dean Koontz’s newest novel “Devoted.” I won’t give anything away but it features dogs. Dogs and a mystery, it doesn’t get any better than that.

I am currently searching for the next book to pick up. I have also discovered some new authors and I did not have time Saturday to check to see if the library has books by them, but it is on my list to do before the new year.

The library is better than a bookstore and the price is better as well.

If you have not yet, take time to rediscover the library. Stop by and visit the library at Eighth and Big Horn and I will bet you will be surprised at what all it has to offer you.

Perhaps you too will get lost in an adventure of your choosing.

Happy reading.

--Karla Pomeroy