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Proposed policy says no to political campaigning at school

WORLAND — Washakie County School District No. 1 Board of Trustees heard for the first time a proposed policy regarding political campaigns and activities for students and staff.

During the regular board meeting Monday night, Superintendent David Nicholas told the board that he wanted to read the policy to the board so they were aware of it and then he would bring it back to the board for first reading at the February meeting.

He said the policy used some information from the Wyoming School Board Association policy and one from Powell. The district’s policy committee worked on the policy for about three months.

“I would not have brought it to you if I didn’t think it was needed. I think it is needed,” Nicholas said. “I think our school environment needs to be free from those kinds of pressures for our students and our employees. I think we have to work to be neutral, but we are not saying that the political process isn’t critical, it is. We have to be careful around our kids how we present that.”

The policy states in part that the school district “will maintain neutrality as to all political campaigns and issues. The school district will not expend public funds or resources to advocate for candidates or for only one side of a controversial question.

“The school district recognizes the rights of students and employees to participate in political campaigns and political issues, elections and public service and the right of students to pursue an education conducted in a suitable academic environment free from disruption.”

Under the policy, non-school-sponsored material is prohibited and includes items such as leaflets, brochures, buttons, badges, flags, petitions, posters, audio or visual presentations, that pertains to a political candidate or political issue.

Regarding activities, the policy states district employees may not engage in political activities “during the school day, during work hours or at school activities.”

The proposed policy also states, “School district employees shall be free to engage in political activities outside of the school day, work hours or school activities, and to campaign and run for political office.” No district resources or equipment shall be used for any political activities by employees.

In other business Monday night the board:

•Heard from Nicholas regarding a Wyoming Department of Education letter from State Director of Special Education Programs Margee Robertson commending District Special Education Director Kim Sanford and her staff.

According to the letter, Robertson wrote that during a recent monitoring visit for the WDE to “conduct an in-depth review of student and district data, district special education policies and procedures and IEP (individual education plan) processes and documentation, no findings of systemic noncompliance with IDEA was identified. The district special education director demonstrated a commitment to the processes and embraced the opportunity to receive feedback in order to make improvements for students. The WDE recognizes this makes apparent the existence of strong and knowledgeable leadership of special education.”

•Approved two paraprofessionals for Worland Middle School — Ivy Asay and Norma Homan.

•Honored state drama students (see page 6) and presented Rugar Mascaro, Cayden Robertson and Felix Lentsch with Wyoming High School Activities Association good sportsmanship awards for having wrestled and allowing to win a wrestler with Down’s Syndrome this season.

•Appointed Candace Whitlock to the Worland Aquatic Center Joint Powers Board.

•Approved a change for employees to notify the district early regarding retirement. The original date was Jan. 1 but Nicholas said that was not properly conveyed to the staff. The new date is Feb. 1.

•Renewed the contract with Diesel Pickup Specialists for the automotive program at Worland High School and received a report on how the first year was going under the new program.

•Prior to adjournment, recessed into executive/closed session for personnel and legal issues.

•Approved a bid for radios at each district building for $85,006.60 from ComTech of Casper

•Approved a bid for Chromebooks for the district for $46,250 from CPU out of Casper.

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