Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

Faces of Recovery: Anthony Herrera

Meet Anthony Herrera. Anthony is and addiction recovery warrior. Anthony has struggled with addiction "for at least 20 years." Anthony began his journey of addiction at the age of 15 when he was first introduced to alcohol by family members. From there, his addiction grew. He started smoking marijuana and methamphetamine at the age of 16, and from the ages of 15-21, he had five MIP [minor in possession] citations.

Around the age of 18 or 19, he started using cocaine and used it "as much as I could get my hands on it." He was making trips to Denver to get cocaine just so he could feed his habit. At the age of 21, he was introduced to opiates and started using intravenously. This became a daily ritual, multiple times a day. At the age of 22, he found out his girlfriend at the time was pregnant with his son, so he decided to "get clean." This lasted only about 6 months, and about a month or two after his son was born, he started using again. He was living in Philadelphia at that time and decided to return to Wyoming to "get away from it." However, once he was back in Wyoming he "went right back to it." At the age of 24, he started selling drugs to "feed my addiction."

In 2013, he was arrested and received a felony charge for Conspiracy to Deliver Oxycontin. This resulted in going to prison for five years. Two months before getting out, he started using drugs while in prison and when released in August 2018, he went right back to heavy use. After receiving a third charge, he went to a 90-day Jail Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program (IOP) in Buffalo. Upon discharge, he was clean about five months, relapsed, and was back in Court. He found out he qualified for Drug Court and started in February 2021. He was doing well; however, when his sister passed away in March 2021, he was not prepared to cope with her loss, and relapsed. He qualified for residential treatment at the VOA (Volunteers of America Northern Rockies) in Sheridan in August 2021, and was there until November 2021. While at the VOA, Anthony was able to heal from a lot of issues and had what he calls a "spiritual awakening." He said he was able to "reconnect with my relationship with God," something that is very dear to him still to this day.

When talking about his addiction, Anthony says that a lot of what he experienced that contributed to his use was thinking his situation was unique, but what he has since realized is that "addiction does not discriminate."

He attributes his current recovery to the support from others and "the people that never lost hope in me even when I couldn't see it." He has done the hard work, showed determination, and perseverance, and says, "it is amazing."

He said, "If there is anything that addiction has taught me it has taught me to be humble; to always count your blessings; and the power of prayer."

Anthony's message to someone struggling with addiction would be "don't ever give up - life is too short - there are so many people willing to help those that are still suffering." Anthony now desires to be a "man of integrity" and to "be consistent and find balance in my life."

Over the past nine months, Anthony said he has, " accomplished getting my driver's license back after having lost it in 2010; completing IOP for the first time out of seven tries; successfully completing Drug Court on May 19, 2022; reuniting with my son after nine years of chaos; saving money; paying bills; and establishing healthy relationships." Anthony has a full time job and is truly enjoying his life in recovery. He knows the struggle is there, but he just takes life one day at a time. On May 3, Anthony celebrated nine months clean. Keep fighting for your recovery Anthony. We are here for you, cheering you on.

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