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Board discusses federal mandates, computer filters at library

TEN SLEEP — Washakie County School District No. 2 resident, Ruth Ann Carter asked board members what they would do if the federal government mandates critical race theory and nondiscrimination policies for gender identity, including restrooms.

Board member Marc Dykman said he is opposed to all of those issues. “It’s a travesty what they are doing to our kids. We do have some autonomy due to the state,” he said, adding that as a new board member he is uncertain how much federal funding is part of the overall district funding.

Board member Bill Murphy said he would echo those concerns and said the CRT and gender identity issues are appropriate for the household not the classroom.

Board Chair Erin Blutt said she would work to utilize the networks the district has built and work with other districts to fight any federal government mandates.

“I would like to harness the power we have by putting lots of small voices together,” she said.

Board member Shana Harstad said, “I don’t agree with any of it. I’m opposed to it, but I also don’t understand all the intricacies of the funding. I would work against it.”

Board member Jared Lyman said that the Wyoming Constitution provides for local control and “I don’t see reason to deviate from that.”

Superintendent Annie Griffin said she would support “what is right for our students, local control is very important.” She said she has a strong network of superintendents to reach out to and she would help keep the board informed as much as possible.

Principal Robert Griffin agreed with Lyman and that “our local board governs what is taught in our schools.”

Former Business Manager Connie Gay, who was on hand for any budget questions, said State Superintendent Brian Schroeder has come out against non-discrimination policies for gender identity.

According to a press release on June 22, Schroeder said, “On May 5, 2022, President Biden’s U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that all state and local agencies funded by its sub-agency, Food and Nutrition Services (FNS), ‘must’ update its non-discrimination policies to include new provisions for ‘gender identity and sexual orientation,’ or risk the loss of millions in federal lunch dollars.

“The USDA is acting pursuant to an Executive Order signed on January 20, 2021, directing federal agencies to promulgate or revise rules enforcing the Administration’s new ‘Anti-Discrimination’ mandates. This matters because the Wyoming Department of Education would fall under the mandate’s affected category, as it receives about $40 million per fiscal year from FNS.

“As Superintendent of Public Instruction responsible for setting Department policy, I immediately opposed this action in the strongest terms possible on legal, political and moral grounds. The Biden Administration gets it wrong again because this action is illegal, which is why 26 State Attorneys General are linking arms and demanding a retraction. Undoubtedly, the USDA will face a flurry of lawsuits once rules made pursuant to the Executive Order are promulgated.

“This move not only represents the latest example of federal overreach, but one more blatant violation of state sovereignty. Our Wyoming Constitution (Article 1, Sections 2 & 3) already prohibits discriminating against any human being, for any reason. We don’t need the Nanny State holding our hands and telling us how to interpret or apply our laws.”

The board also discussed but took no action on an addendum to the contact with Washakie County for use of the public library in Ten Sleep.

Currently the district pays the county $2,000 per month for nine months during the school year and an additional $5,000 for books.

Blutt said during an earlier meeting with the commissioners they had asked for the new contract to include a term limit, the current contract expires in 2026 and for the district board to have an option to make a recommendation for a member on the library board.

Lyman said he would suggest a five-year contract, but that he also has concerns that the library will not place a filter on the computers for children.

“There’s no filters and the board refuses to put in filters, the board’s priority seems to be the public that uses the computers,” Lyman said.

Blutt asked if his main concern is student access to inappropriate material and he said yes it was.

Dykman said he agreed and that those are valid concerns.

Murphy said he would like to hear the library board’s position on why they will not put on filters on the computers.

Technology director Boyd Whitlock said filters can have time limits and be on during the after school program but back on in the evening for the public.

Murphy added, “I guess we have to decide, do we consider the library as an extension of the school campus.”

Lyman added that the usage at the library has declined and perhaps the district could look at providing less funding.

Dykman said he would try to attend the next library board meeting on Thursday, July 28 at 4 p.m. in Worland.

Rendered 01/28/2025 10:15