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Start of school year focuses on mental health, suicide prevention

Parent presentation next Tuesday, Aug. 30

WORLAND — Washakie County School District No. 1 is inviting parents to a virtual presentation with the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide next Tuesday, Aug. 30.

Special Education Director Kim Sanford said district staff went through a two-hour presentation from the Society and next Thursday is an opportunity for parents to attend a similar presentation. Sanford said while the presentation is geared toward parents it is open to the public.

The two-hour presentation titled “Raising Resilient Kids in Challenging Times: A Talk Involving Suicide” starts at 6 p.m. in the Worland Middle School Auditorium.

The presentation will help parents to address topics such as suicide, mental illness and substance abuse with their children, while dispelling common misconceptions on mental health and suicide.

“This talk will also address the importance of talking with your child about trusted adults in their life, provide information on warning signs of suicide and discuss the potential impact of current events, social media and more,” Sanford said.

Board member Don Bryant said, “This suicide thing is such a real deal. It is so important you have those conversations and all of us have them. I just hope those are the type of things that we can talk about, because we need to talk about them.”

Sanford said that the district has adopted programming from The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide that begins in the fifth grade and will be taught in physical education and health classes.

“We are having more conversations and mental health is something that we talk about and deal with every day, rather than it being something that we try to hide,” Sanford said.


In other business the board:

•Approved the hirings of several classified staff as follows: Deb Thompson for full-time life skills paraeducator (para) at the middle school; Michelle Arnett as high school registrar; Phillip Yorgason as part-time Title I para at South Side; Susan Stewart as full-time special education para at South Side; Jared Tolman as part-time special education para at the middle school; Laura Muse as part-time cook at middle school; Amber Navarrete as full-time special education para at East Side; Eida Ankeny as English language para for West Side; and Brisa Fernandez as night housekeeper for West Side.  

•Approved a list of out-of-state school trips as follows: science class to Yellowstone; science students to New Zealand, which was changed from Galapagos; AP US history 2 class to Washington, D.C.; marching band to New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl; wrestling to Rapid City, South Dakota and Vernal, Utah; wool judging team to Denver Stock Show; Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City; All Northwest Choir/Band and Orchestra pending qualification; All National Choir, pending qualification; Marketing in Denver; Forensics nationals in Louisville, Kentucky, pending qualification.

•Approved the hire of Tim Barrus as the new high school girls softball coach and Jaqueline Ludley as the assistant coach.

•Accepted the bid of $19,702.25 from Griffith Quality Fencing for the storage and closure areas behind the top bleachers in the gym. Business Manager Charlie Cauffman said the only other work in the gym is the audio enhancement that should be complete in time for the first volleyball match in mid September.

•Heard from East Side Principal Brittany Miller that they are having to reteach parents on how to pick-up kids after school. A video presentation will launch on social media soon for parents.

•Heard from Worland Middle School Principal Ryan Clark that 100 of 250 students are active in fall athletics this year. Worland High School Activities Director Aaron Abel said there are 236 participating in fall activities including sports, cheerleading and marching band, which is over 66%. They have a goal of having 80 percent of the student body involved in some type of activity.

Abel also noted Homecoming is the week of Sept. 12, and while he tries to ensure every team is home for Homecoming that is not always possible and this year the golf team will be at the State Meet.