Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

The News Editorial: Thank you for being a newspaper reader

National Newspaper Week was Oct. 2-8 this year and while I usually try to recognize this important week on the actual week, this year that week, just like the month of October, has quickly slipped by so I am taking a moment now to recognize National Newspaper Week and say thank you to our readers.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and other newspapers.

Thank you for supporting us, through your subscriptions or your purchase on newsstands, for your kind words about stories, columns and editorials for myself and our staff.

Thank you for engaging us through this page, through telephone calls, emails and for stopping by.

I would also like to say thank you to many of you who wish we were still a daily newspaper.

We appreciate that you enjoyed the paper five days a week. The economy and how people get their news is changing, so we must change with it.

One of my former publishers used to say if we received a complaint about the newspaper that at least they are reading it.

Whether you agree with everything in it, wish there were more stories on certain subjects, catch a typographical error that got missed by our eyes, or only read certain sections of the newpaper, we want to thank you for taking the time to learn about your community, your neighbors, your friends.

While we may not come to you five days a week, we hope you will continue to find value once a week in the many news articles, opinion pieces, features, advertising, sports stories and more that we offer.

Speaking of advertising, we appreciate the support of our advertisers and we hope you take the time each week to take a look at the advertisements and see what businesses and organizations are offering the community.

This week there is 20 pages of news, opinions, obituaries, law enforcement news, photos, classifieds, public notices, sports, features and a special harvest/agriculture section with many additional features and additional advertising. Of course, don’t forget the advertisers who place inserts in the newspaper and there are plenty this week.

Take some time to enjoy each aspect of this issue. (You have a full week until we publish anew.)

So, while I did not get to say thank you during National Newspaper Week, I again take the opportunity to say thank you this week and every week that you pick up and read the Northern Wyoming News.

--Karla Pomeroy