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The News Editorial: Random ramblings on a cold Nov. day

Trying to pick a topic this week has proven difficult with many thoughts bouncing around in my mind so here are a few thoughts.

I learned of Sen. Gerald Geis’ passing last week and just as I did when he retired, I reminisced about the many visits we have had over the years.

I first began interviewing the state senator when I was the editor of the Basin Republican Rustler. He was always a pleasure to interview, helped me identify bills that were important to this area and was always good for a great quote or two.

He always greeted everyone with a smile.

Many shared memories and thoughts about Sen. Geis this week in a story on Page A1. One of my favorite quotes and memories was during one of our interviews I was discussing a bill that the House had passed that was coming to the Senate. I don’t recall exactly what the bill was but it was not favorable to our community and he told me that it would be OK because the Senate would fix it, that that was the Senate’s job was to fix what the House messed up and he laughed.

He represented this community well in many areas and his presence was missed when he moved.

For those of us who knew him, even in some small way, he is missed even more.


Is anyone else having flashbacks to hanging chads and recounts while hearing stories of counting issues in other states. Makes me thankful I live in Wyoming and Washakie County. Perhaps it is because of our low population but I also think we have competent county clerks throughout the state who know how to run an election and I am grateful.


Next week is Thanksgiving and with the holiday on a Thursday, as usual, it means we will go to the press a day early (Tuesday rather than Wednesday) and that means earlier deadlines. We will need all letters to the editor, legal advertising, display advertising by 4 p.m. on Friday. Classified are due at 10 a.m. on Monday.

These deadlines ensure that newspaper design and layout goes forward on schedule and that we make our deadline at the press.

The Nov. 24 issue of the Northern Wyoming News will be out on newsstands on Tuesday, Nov. 22 and in mailboxes on Wednesday, Nov. 23.

We will have coverage of the Ryan Leaf substance abuse and mental health presentations, follow up articles on a few meetings and our Worland third graders share what they are thankful for this year.

You won’t want to miss it.


I believe I have come full circle on the time change. While I hate it and it takes a while for my body to get used to it I am not sure I would prefer standard time all year round or daylight saving time year round so I am prepared to endure until something changes.

There is a move at the federal level to keep everyone on daylight saving time, which would throw a wrench in for Arizona, which remains on Mountain Standard Time year round.

Whether or not this gets changed, only time will tell.

--Karla Pomeroy