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Lyman, Moody bid Ten Sleep School adieu

Ten Sleep School employees Betty Lyman and Larry Moody bid adieu to students and staff during a retirement celebration on May 19.

Washakie County School District Number 2 Superintendent Annie Griffin read aloud several memories and farewells submitted by coworkers about Lyman, who served in the cafeteria and as a bus driver for a total 27 years, and Moody, who worked as janitor for 16 years.

Reminiscing on the many meals Lyman has served, friends recalled delectable "Betty's Spaghetti," cinnamon rolls and apple crisp.

"One time, Betty sprinkled cornstarch on the brownies instead of powdered sugar. It took a while for us to figure out what was a little off," Kathleen Hampton wrote, which prompted laughter from the crowd.

Moody was labeled a good-natured jokester, putting out the best Halloween yard decorations only to spook the kids walking up for candy with a "Boo!"

Paula Beck remembered working concession stands during basketball season, "Larry would ask me, 'How much popcorn are you going to sell for fans to dump in the stands?' I would tell him we made some just extra for him."

Griffin thanked the pair for their dedication to Ten Sleep School and the town and offered them a slice of retirement cake.