Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

Kudos to Sheriff and Search and Rescue; Fair Board

Many kudos this week go to Washakie County. One LARGE KUDO goes to the Washakie County Sheriff’s Office and Washakie County Search and Rescue who have worked tirelessly in the search for Breanna Mitchell.

Mitchell, 28, of Worland, went missing 12 days ago (as of this writing Tuesday, Aug. 1). She had texted and called friends she was stuck on a side road off of the Nowater Road. Search and Rescue members, as many as 15 at a time, have been out searching since she was reported missing and now they are currently working on draining a pond, where indications from two dogs are that Breanna was last at.

Sheriff Austin Brookwell has been in communication with Breanna’s mother, providing updates as they come and Saturday he had to inform her that it appeared that the search for a missing person had turned into a recovery mission. He has also done an outstanding job keeping the public informed as well.

Brookwell, in an interview, commended the search and rescue and the many volunteers who have been out searching. He is right. We are fortunate to have the volunteer search and rescue members that we do here. People who give their time to help people in distress, people they may not even know.

I was out briefly when the large scale search was set to begin Tuesday night and spoke with some civilian volunteers. They did not know Breanna or her family but they had horses, they knew the Nowater area and they wanted to help, so they did.

Others came to search on foot, drove out on all-terrain vehicles or side-by-sides, however they could help they did. Some have offered food and water to searchers and Search and Rescue.

This is why we live where we do, because neighbors help neighbors, whether we know them or not.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Breanna at this time that she will be found, and with her friends and family.

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Kudos this week also go to the Washakie County Fair Board for an outstanding fair full of fun, food and friends.

This year’s headlining concert with Deana Carter was even better than last year’s Confederate Railroad concert. She put on a wonderful show, despite she and her band having to travel by vehicle from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to get here. You don’t always see that type of commitment from celebrities nowadays. Not only did she arrive, but she delivered a great show.

The board had a few hiccups at the start but responded to them quickly and addressed the issues right away. They will work to address issues that arose long-term in the coming months at their regular board meetings.

Kudos also to the bidders who came out in force to support the youth at the Junior Livestock Sale again this year.

Once again, whether in attendance or participation, Washakie County residents deserve the kudos for a great fair this year.

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