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James Seckman was present at the Aug. 14 Washakie County School District No. 2 meeting to deliver a report to the board on the results of the annual audit for the fiscal year 2022-2023.
Seckman said that he was able to identify no major issues in the audit, and expressed that the results were positive overall.
One issue that did come up as a possible point for improvement in Ten Sleep School employees was “segregation of duties,” a concept that is difficult to practice in a small district, he noted.
In an update on the new school construction, Todd Wilder, the owner’s representative on the project, said several more cement pours will take place to complete the first floor and foundation of the building. Delivery of steel material that will be used to erect the upper floors of the building has been delayed for the last three weeks, after which everything will be in place to move on to the stage of construction.
A time-lapse camera was installed to watch the entire construction process of the building on Aug. 14.
The completion of the building is still projected to be the end of October 2024.
The issue of when to move buildings came up, but a decision was not made. It was noted that the existing school is not scheduled to be demolished until January 2025.
Superintendent Annie Griffin reported that the staff would be touring the site on Tuesday, as well as selecting furniture.
The following policies were approved on first reading at Monday’s meeting:
Policy 6.01 Clubs and Organizations – According to the policy, “The co-curricular clubs and organizations form an important part of the school life. Such organizations should be encouraged and active membership maintained. The following organizations have the sanction of the Board of Trustees: High school and Middle School Student Councils, National Honor Society, Art Club, Music Department, FBLA, FFA, SkillsUSA, Ski Club, Senior Class, Junior Class, Sophomore Class, Freshman Class. Unless otherwise specified in policy, Extra-curricular Activities are designed exclusively for Ten Sleep High School Students.”
According to Griffin, the policy added back SkillsUSA since the program was brought back last year.
Policy 6.04.1 – If there are remaining funds in the senior class fundraising account at the end of the fiscal year, the funds will be equally distributed to the new freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior class accounts.
Policy 6.11 Drug Testing – Lifted the minimum grade level of students eligible to be randomly drug tested from fifth grade to ninth grade.
School lunch and breakfast prices have had the following increases:
Kindergarten through sixth grade: $3 (was $2.50).
Seventh grade through 12th grade: $3.50 (was $3).
Adults: $4 (was $3.50).
Milk: $0.50 (was $0.25).
Seconds – Elementary $1, Middle School/High School $1.50 (school was absorbing).
A la carte vegetable/fruit: $0.50.
Breakfast: $1.75 (now part of the school lunch program).
A second SUV has been acquired by Washakie County School District No. 2, finishing their plan to replace a bus with two SUVs. A five-year lease was signed for the vehicle for $62,443.