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Veterans honored with celebrations Thursday through Saturday

Veterans Day is on Saturday, Nov. 11 this year, and veterans will be honored all around the Big Horn Basin.

American Legion

The American Legion Post 44 will be hosting a breakfast buffet followed by a flag disposal ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 11. Veterans and their families are invited to 129 South Seventh Street in Worland for breakfast from 7 to 10:30 a.m. A flag disposal ceremony will take place at 1 p.m., where American flags that are fit to retire will be burned. This will be open to the public, and people are invited to bring their flags for disposal with them to the ceremony.

Fourth Grade

Worland Elementary Music Teacher Willie Wright has prepared a fourth grade music program that will run twice on Thursday, Nov. 9. Fourth grade students will share stories they have learned about the history of the United States’ armed forces and sing patriotic songs. Jimmy Nelson and Worland Boy Scouts Troop 45 will be presenting the American flag. Show times are at 1:30 p.m. for the afternoon dress rehearsal and 6:30 p.m. for the evening program. The public is invited to both.

Senior Center

The Worland Senior Center will be hosting veterans and their families for lunch on Friday, Nov. 10. They are welcome to join residents in the cafeteria at 11:30 a.m. for lunch along with a ceremony recognizing representatives of all branches of the United States military.

Ten Sleep

Ten Sleep School will be holding an assembly at 10 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 10 to honor veterans. Music teacher Grace Keinzle will direct a music program that will include performances from kindergarten through 12th grade students. Guests can expect to hear classics like ‘You’re a Grand Ole Flag’ and ‘This Land is Your Land’ from elementary students, and “The Star Spangled Banner” from the high school band. ‘TAPS’ will be performed to honor fallen soldiers, and each branch of the military will be recognized with their respective branches’ songs. Afterward, attendees will be invited to join students for lunch at 11 a.m. Lunch will be free to veterans and their spouses.


Ralph Witters Elementary in Thermopolis is hosting a ‘Parking Lot Parade’ to honor all veterans on Thursday, Nov. 9. Veterans are invited to the school parking lot just off of Springview Street at 9 a.m., where students and staff will be outside to greet them until 9:20 a.m. After the celebration, veterans are asked to join Ralph Witters Elementary students in the school’s cafeteria for coffee and donuts in their honor.


Riverside Middle/High School in Basin is hosting a music program on Friday, Nov. 10 to celebrate and recognize veterans. Everyone is welcome to the school’s gym at 9 a.m., where both middle and high school students will perform classic patriotic songs. Veterans are encouraged to come and be recognized.

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